father figure

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Tae took y/n out to a little Cafe where it's calm and nice so they can tall and he can get to know her.

Y/N's eyes sparkled as they walked to the Cafe she held Tae's hand as he led her to the Cafe. She looked around like a curious toddler.

She'd never been anywhere else other than school and home her entire life. All of this was so new to her and she oddly liked it.

As they entered the cafe they sat down and ordered some stuff to eat and drink then Tae started a conversation.

"So let me properly introduce myself to u, hm". Y/N looked at him with her doe eyes and nodded as a yes.

"My name is Kim Taehyung, I'm 29 years old". "H-hi". Y/N didn't know how to respond but she wanted to talk aswell.

Tae chuckled at her response and patted her head. "Uhm, y/n"? "Yeah"? "This question will sound weird but, do u know your mom"?

Y/N shook her head as a no tae nodded. "You said you're 14 right"? Y/N nodded. "Your mom's name is Stacey". Y/N tilted her head.

"I actually heard her name before. But I can't remember what for". "Well yeah based off of what I know your mom is stacey, your dads only girlfriend at the time".

"Oh okay". Their food and drinks arrived soon after as they ate tae carried on the conversation. "Little one, why is your hand bruised".

Y/N looked at her hand where tae was looking and quickly pulled her hand back hanging her head trying to come up with an excuse.

Tae had already caught on tho. "Don't try to lie to me baby bear, how did u get that". Tae was giving her little nicknames to make her feel more comfortable with him.

Y/N sniffled as she looked down she really wanted to tell him about how her dad beats her and how she's bullied at school but she's scared.

Tae reached over and caressed her hair. "It's alright baby bear, you can tell me, I'll listen to u". She looked at him then slowly started to explain everything to him.

As she finished her story she looked at tae and he signaled her to come to him. She did as he wanted andhe gave her a warm hug.

"Don't worry little one, hear what". She lifted her head and looked at him. "Take me as your dad from now on, I'll take care of u and treat u like the little princess you're meant to be".

Y/N's eyes sparkled with happiness. "Really!?! Can I-I call u a-appa"? Tae smiled. "Sure hun". She hugged him now smiling wider than ever.

"Thanks appa, you're the best". Tae also smiled, he's glad he made a change for her in the right direction.

"Alright here take my phone number text or call me whenever u want, I'll answer. Let's get u home now, your mama and papa must be waiting for u".

Y/N nodded not really fond of the idea of going back to the house with her dad but what can they do that's where she lives.

Along the way home tae bought a teddy bear for y/n. She couldn't be happier, she finally got a dad that loves her and she can feel safe with him.

Y/N and tae walked into the house y/n was smiling. For the first time her grandparents saw a more genuine type smile on her.

They knew they made the right decision to send y/n with tae.

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