left out

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It's been over three months already since they brought sarange home, time seriously flew by so quickly, they got sarange enrolled into a school and every morning and evening y/n and jungkook would drop her and pick her up from school while jisoo stayed home and made a snack for her to eat when she got home.

With tae he didn't prefer to leave the house so he'd just wait till everyone got home. He would often just talk with jisoo as no one else was home. Recently tho he thought no one really noticed he's been being left out alot, tho he's always with the rest of the family they don't talk to him as much as each other.

Especially y/n and that's what hurt him most. He understood that she now had a family of her own and work to manage alongside that but he still couldn't help but feel hurt. As much as he wished to pretend that nothing was wrong sometimes he just couldn't and that's why he'd end up being the first to leave some nights.

Well, tonight just so happened to be one of those nights. Everyone was in the livingroom pillows spread all across the carpet and everyone was sitting or laying down and talking laughing and playing around. All except the he was up on the couch watching. His expression never changed.

He felt left out he didn't know what to do and he didn't feel like he was obligated to join the ongoing conversation. Jungkook and sarange were playing with pillows while y/n had her head on jisoos lap getting a bead amassage as the couple spoke. He wordlessly got up from his spot and walked away leaving everyone confused.

"What happened to him"? "I don't know appa". Y/N and jungkook continuously looked between themselves and the stairs that tae walked up and left the room. "I'll check on him later, I noticed dad's been acting off lately". Jisoo and Jungkook nodded and they carried on with the night untill it was time for bed and jungkook left to his room and the family of three headed to their room.

They both got sarange ready for bed aswell as themselves. Once sarange was asleep y/n gave jisoo a kiss on the forehead and got up quietly. She was now going to check on tae. She left the room quietly walking down the hall she knocked on taes door she didn't expect an answer but to her surprise she heard. "Come in".

She opened the door getting in she saw tae sitting on the couch in his room. "Hey dad, why did u leave us earlier, something wrong"? "No". His tone shocked her, usually his tone would be soft and calm but now it was cold and a little rough. She sat down beside him. "You're not telling the truth, what's wrong".

Tae simply looked the other way, "dad please tell me". "It's nothing y/n go to bed". Y/N scoffed, "if that was so true why are u using my name, from ever since the first day u met me u always used a nickname, so what now huh". "I just feel like an outcast nowadays okay? Now leave me alone".

Y/N was now beyond confused. "What do u mean outcast"? Tae looked down a chuckled sadly. "Oh nothing, I just realized u don't need me anymore, you completely forgot about me". Y/N frowned. "I never forgot about u dad what are u talking about"? Tae laughed softly. "Your actions say otherwise".

"What did I do"? "That's the point, nothing, u didn't do anything. That's what I'm saying, u forgot about me, now u have your wife and child and your biological father with u, who am I anymore"? That's what got her thinking, she rethought how things have been going the past couple months and it made sense.

She now felt extremely guilty, she sighed and looked at tae he didn't even glance at her he simply kept his gaze low and straight infront of him. Knowing well that she wouldn't get him to face her she walked infront of him and stooped down so they were at eye level. "Dad, look I'm sorry, I never realized I wasn't spending time with u".

Tae cut her off, "well yeah that sure was obvious". He was being bitter, but who could blame him. "What can I so to make it up to u hm"? Tae didn't respond, he just fiddled with his fingers. "Come on dad, please, I won't let it happen again I promise". She kissed his cheek and hugged him sitting beside him again.

"Just don't do it again, I don't want u to do anything for me or buy me anything, just send a little time with me during the day like u used to". Y/N smiled nodded. "Okay, I promise it won't happen again. They finally smiled at one another and looked at the time.

It was already past midnight. "Dad it's late I'm gonna go to bed now". Tae nodded and kissed her forehead as she did the same to his cheek. "Good night princess". "Good night dad". With that she left the room as tae went to bed. He really was tired he wasn't joking.

Y/N quietly mad either back to the bed and layed down on the other side of sarange and covered herself. As soon as she did a little leg was draped across her hip and a head was placed on her chest. Sarange was cuddled into her now. Nonetheless she feel asleep for the night within minutes.

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