addition to the family

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It's been two years already and Mrs.jeon still hasn't changed to this day she still didn't accept y/n but y/n couldn't be bothered by it as she's now become used to only have her two dads jisoo and her grandfather.

Couple months ago jisoo and y/n made up their minds to complete the ties and get married. Neither of them wanted any expensive grand wedding so they just had a home wedding in their backyard.

So now they're officially married and happy. But now, they've been having something else in mind they wanted to go a step further. They wanted to make an Addition to the family.

They thought long and hard about it and they thought today would be the day to tell the others about it.


The couple woke up seeing one another they both smile tiredly and cuddled for a while in a comforting silence. Soon they both got up greeted one another with a good morning and a kiss then they showered together.

Once done they got ready into these.

Once done they got ready into these

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Walking downstairs they saw tae and jungkook in the kitchen talking

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Walking downstairs they saw tae and jungkook in the kitchen talking. Soon they noticed the girls. "Good morning girls". "Good morning appa and dad". Everyone had their breakfast and while doing so jungkook questions.

"So what are u both all dressed up for"? Tae nodded agreeing with the question also curious. Y/N and jisoo looked at one another then jisoo spoke. "Welll, we've been thinking and we csme to the conclusion thattt we wanna make an Addition to the family".

Tae and jungkook both choked and fell from their seats. Y/N and jisoo were quick to help them and give them water. "Yo calm down u two". Y/N shook her head with an amused look.

Once regaining his composure Jungkook spoke. "Well, that was bigger news than I expected but okay, if that's what u both wanna do. Make yourselves happy". Tae nodded on the other side of the table in agreement.

The girls both smiled. Then y/n spoke up once more. "Today we wanna go buy some stuff for when we're ready to adopt and we were thinking to adopt a little girl". Both Tae and Jungkook smiled then Jungkook said.

"That's great bun, I'm sure u both will make great parents". Y/N and jungkook smiled at one another, jungkook had nothing but pride filled in his heart for his daughter. He knew tho he wasn't the best father to her growing up she'd make the best mother to her child.

He knew y/n would make sure and give her child the opportunities and fun love filled childhood he couldn't give to her. Tho the thought of the way she had to spend her younger days because of him stung his heart.

He was certain that in some way it may have been good that he was the way he was. Y/N had so many great self taught morals for life that she would be able to pass down to create a better future.

He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't realize that him and y/n were the only two in the kitchen and he was crying with a little smile on his face. Y/N on the other hand was kind of confused and worried.

She shook her father untill he snapped back to reality. Realizing what was going on he wiped his tears with a smile. "What's wrong appa, why so suddenly the tears"? He turned back to his daughter and patted her head, no matter how old she got and how much she matured.

Eveeytime he looked at her he always saw that innocent little girl who looked up to him tho he was never the best person. "Nothing bun, it's just that I remembered how I used to treat u when u were younger."

"After so many years I still regret it, if I could turn back time to the day u were born and change the train of thought I had in my stupid little head and take care of u the way a father young or old is supposed to I would".

"Now you've gotten older and you're ready to be a parent yourself. I just know you'll be alot better of a parent than I ever had the potential to be and I'm just really proud of u. I had nothing to do with it but u grew up well, I wouldn't wanna have anyone else for a daughter".

"Not in this life and not in any other, I hope in our next life I'll be smart enough to know to own up to my own actions and and raise u well". Now even y/n was in tears, they both stood up and shared a long warm hug.

"It's okay appa, I'm not mad that u treated me the way u did, maybe if u didn't I wouldn't have been able to become the way I am now. I'm really thankful that u love me now, let's forget the past I know I said I wouldn't  but.....the past helps build our future so we need to look forward not back".

"Like u said we win some people along the way and we lose some. I'm glad we managed to stick together and in the end made it out to be a great father daughter duo. You  might not see it but you did alot for me you taught me alot about life aswell and I really appreciate it".

Jungkook kissed his daughters forehead as they both shared a smile and wiped their tears. "BTW don't think u and dad aren't coming with us you guys have to help us shop your granddaughter".

"Yah, I'll call her my daughter aswell I'm not that old yet". They both laughed. On the other hand jisoo and tae who stood at the door the entire time watching and listening also wiped some tears. It was truly heart warming to see how far those two have come.

Yes jisoo was already aware of how y/n and jungkooks relationship once was. It broke her heart to hear the way her love had to suffer from a new born till teenager but seeing how well things ended up made her happy. It made everyone happy. Things really took a turn for the best.

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