how a morning goes

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Y/N woke up and felt a two separate weights on her body. One on her chest and on of her arm. She opened her eyes adjusting to the light in the room, she saw sarange sleeping on her chest, in her little bear onsie, and jisoo sleeping using her arm as a pillow.

She looked at the time and saw it was 6:30 already. She decided it was best to wake them up as sarange had school and jisoo had to help her prepare. "Sugar wake up". Using her free hand she patted saranges back waking her up from her sleep.

"Good morning sugar". Sarange adjusted her eyes to the light yawning she answered. "Gud morning mom". "Could u help me wake your eomma up sugar"? Sarange sat up on y/n's stomach and nodded. She skipped across on the bed and started hugging and calling jisoo.

"Eommaaa, wake uppp". Within the first few calls jisoo woke up and smiled hearing her daughter calling her. She adjusted her eyes and looked around. For the first time in a while she woke up with both her wife and daughter beside her.

Jisoo and y/n smiled as sarange skipped to the middle of them. "Good morning baby". "Good morning babe". They gave one another a short morning kiss as sarange pouted this not going unnoticed by the parents. "What's wrong sugar".

"Where my kiss". The two girls laughed at her and pulled her down onto the bed smothering the child in kissing causing her to go into a giggling fit. "Eommaaa mommm stopppp"!! They finally decided to give her a break and backed away laughing as the child was breathing heavy from laughing.

"Good morning babybun". Jisoo finally greeted. "G-good morning eomma". She stuttered as she was still out of breath. By the time the three were all ready to start the day it was already 7. Y/N got up with sarnage in her arms.

"Baby, I'll take her and let her shower at the same time with me to save time, cause, u know she'll want to play with dad or appa before leaving for school". Jisoo nodded. "Can u change her aswell babe"? "Sure". "Okay well her uniform is hung with your clothes.

Y/N nodded and walked off to the bathroom with sarnage as they both got ready for work and school. After the shower and alot of little water fights y/n changed sarnage and herself and did both their hair.

 After the shower and alot of little water fights y/n changed sarnage and herself and did both their hair

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Once done sarnage took a minute modeling infront of the mirror checking herself making y/n smile and eventually she ended up right behind sarnage

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Once done sarnage took a minute modeling infront of the mirror checking herself making y/n smile and eventually she ended up right behind sarnage. "We look good don't we sugar". "Yup". Sarange gave a proud look at their appearances.

"Alright it's 7:30 we have have to be out the door by 8 so let's go down now". Sarange grabbed her backpack and y/n took her phone as they walked downstairs. Surprisingly jisoo tae and jungkook were all in the kitchen.

As the two girls entered tae who was sitting at the counter said with a smug look. "Who knew y/n could actually prepare both herself and her daughter without jisoos help". Everyone laughed as y/n playfully told her eyes.

"U acting as if I didn't have to dress myself for school at one point in my life, that wasn't hard just funny especially when she decided to start dancing but naked on the counter". Everyone started laughing hard as sarnage hid in y/n's chest out of embarrassment.

Y/N started tickling her. "Don't hide now you mischievous bunny, it wasn't embarrassing when u did it so don't let it be now". Sarnage was laughing hard in her moms arms as everyone smiled at the sight.

Y/N was mostly busy so it was a little rare to see them be this close for such a long time. Yes y/n always makes time everyday to spend with her family but it's never for long, so when it is for a relatively long time ots something to cherish.

"Mommm stoppp". "Okay okay breath sugar". Sarnage layed her head on her mom's chest catching her breath. Once she did she hopped up onto the counter and sat down looking all cute. Then jungkook said. "I wouldn't lie y/n should get sarnage ready more often, sarnage looks just like y/n when she was little".

He turned to y/n. "Isn't that the same hairstyle u used to do for yourself all the time"? Y/N slowly nodded. "U noticed that"? "Ofcourse I did I still used to see u, waddling out the door with your backpack". Everyone chuckled at the statement. "Yeah she does look like me, cute".

With that they all ate breakfast together continuing a good conversation till it was 8 and sarnage and y/n left home, y/n dropped sarange off at school by 8:20 as school starts at 8:30 and got to her company by 9. Perfect timing.

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