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As tae got to the hospital and found Mr and Mrs.jeon seeing they worry on their faces and even having Mrs.jeon tearing up he heart rate picked up.

"I'm here, what happened? Is she alright now"? He couldn't hold himself from bombarding them with questions. Mrs.jeon directed him to the rooms window.

He peeked through and got a Glace of y/n's skin. Seeing how bruised and pale she was his blood boiled in anger. "Who did that, tell me aunt. Who did that to my daughter".

He held her shoulders as she looked down not having the courage to tell tae who did that. He gave up and went to Mr.Jeon. "tell me please". He was begging to know it hurt him seeing her like that.

"Jungkook". "What"? "Jungkook". That was the only thing to escape their lips. Hearing his name tae was confused but then it all started to line up in his mind. Everything made sense.

He very badly wanted to go make jungkook pay in that very second and Mr and Mrs.jeon could tell but he stopped himself knowing he needs to stay for his daughter.

"Son, don't worry we'll deal with him accordingly. Just stay with y/n please. She needs u". He nodded calming himself down. After couple minutes the doctor came out.

"Her bruising is very bad, the older wounds haven't been properly treated so they will take a while to heal aswell as the new ones. They may leave scarring once gone I can't tell at the moment. Just take care of her".

They nod and entered the room. Y/N was unconscious she had passed out. They all say around the bed and spoke softly waiting for her to wake up. Untill eventually her eyes started to flutter open.

As her eyes properly opened and she looked around she recognized it was a hospital. Then all the memories of the past hours rushed back to her. She started crying hard startling everyone.

Tar was first to go to her. "Hey hey baby bear, don't cry I'm here". Tae hugged her putting her head on his shoulder. Y/N was shivering in his arms. It broke his heart.

"I-i hate h-him so m-much, why can't he j-just l-love me". Y/N's mind was a mess all the hate that she now had in her heart for her father was settling in and doing its work.

Tae thought it was more than enough he had made his decision. "I'm taking her". Mr and Mrs.jeon looked at him in confusion as did y/n.

"I'm going to seol with her I'm not letting her stay here in Busan with that monster and to be bullied in school because of him. She's officially my daughter she'll carry my name from now on".

"You both can see her but I don't want that man near her". Mr and Mrs.jeon immediately agreed they knew it was for the best. "Take her son, I'll go home now and pack her things". Mrs.jeon said.

Then Mr.Jeon pitched in "and I'm going to teach that irresponsible boy some mannerisms". With that they both left the hospital while tae remained with y/n.

He calmed he down till she was just quietly cuddling with him. He knew her mind was all over the place. "Princess, don't think about him, let your mind and body rest. I'll take care of everything hm. From now on you'll live with me".

"You can still see your grandma and grandpa I'll make sure he's far away from you and no kids will bother you at your new school. Just relax, you'll get your freedom soon".

He patted her back as she listened to him speak and soon feel asleep. Soon the doctor came to check her again and gave Tae some medication to put on the bruises for it to heal quickly.

Jeon Jungkook ff Long time Hate✔Where stories live. Discover now