family trip

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The next morning everyone woke up and went to the kitchen and had breakfast. Y/N was mostly quiet and jungkook just looked dead, when he came outside everyone could tell he cried all night.

While eating tae brought this up. "So I was thinking as it's Sunday and everyone is off with no work specifically y/n why don't we all go on a family trip. We can take a drive and stop somewhere and just relax, what do u all say"?

Mr and Mrs.jeon without hesitation said yes tae turned to y/n not wanting to disappoint him by saying no she nodded then he looked at jungkook receiving the same answer.

After having breakfast everyone got ready.

Y/N'S outfit:

As everyone came downstairs they all made some snacks and packed them in a bag with some drinks and then made their way to the garage

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As everyone came downstairs they all made some snacks and packed them in a bag with some drinks and then made their way to the garage.

Tae spoke. "Okay eomma appa u both go with me jungkook you're with y/n". "What why"? Y/N was speechless at taes statement. "Sh, go on let's choose out cars".

Y/N couldn't fight to not have to take jungkook with her she sighed in frustration and went to choose her car.



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They both drove out of the garage

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They both drove out of the garage. "Oh so we both chose trucks today okayyy". Tae smiled as Mrs.jeon started putting the bag with things in the back seat.

Jungkook got into the truck with y/n and silently out his seat belt on. Y/N was just looking out the window the whole time. Mr.Jeon sat infront with tae in the other van and Mrs.jeon was jn the back.

They pulled out as the guards locked the gates behind them. With tae and the jeons the entire ride was all laughing and talking but on the other hand. With jungkook and y/n it was only silence.

Not a normal silence one filled with tension and awkwardness. The entire ride jungkook was contemplating trying to talk to y/n he was nervous and scared.

He knew she was like a ticking time bomb the second he screws up his words and actions she's gonna tell him everything she had on her mind for him.

While with y/n she was just waiting she knew he was gonna try to talk with her and she was just waiting to here what would come out of his mouth. She was loving the regret she felt emanating off of him.

Soon as they came to a red light jungkook finally decided to try to speak with y/n. "Y-y/n"? Y/N smirked but quickly hid it keeping her straight face she didn't answer him.

Jungkook finally moved his gaze over to her. Jungkook couldn't even hide it he was damn intimidated by her aura. The way her was cold and dead infront of them only. The way her hand just held onto the wheel.

It gave off nothing but pure dominance one that he could never beat. When y/n was younger he used to be so intimidating to her but now she's grown and jungkook is nothing for her to face. Now he was scared of her, how the tables turned.

"Y/N"? He raised his voice a bit but it did crack at the end which did not go unnoticed by y/n. "What"? Her voice was a mix of coldness and amusement. The light turned green as she mashed the gas and started driving again.

The light change wasn't noticed by jungkook so when she started driving again he flinched at the sudden movement. Y/N was nothing but amused by his actions the entire time. Tho seeing how fragile he'd become kind of hurt her his past actions faded all of that hurt in her heart for him.

"U gonna talk or was my name too smooth for u to resist having to call"? Her statement caught jungkook off guard as he cleared his throat. "U-um, well, I-I". Tho he was in regret jungkooks pride was still too high so y/n did this.

"Y-you? What? U lost your words now"? She peeked at him for a second to see him looking at his lap like a child who just got a heavy scolding. She shook her head keeping her focus on the road.

"I-im sorry, okay"? She scoffed and chuckled, "U think one lousy apology is boutta fix anything, nah u gotta try harder. I doubt u ever will cause if that fat ego u have but that's your choice. Just remember I don't care, I'm living life just fine now".

Jungkook looked at her like a lost child, he knew from the start it wasn't enough but hearing the way she placed her words really hit him hard. Trying to save himself a little he didn't respond and looked forward.

He knew if he spoke again the overwhelming emotions he had was gonna make him break down and he was trying to stop that from happening. But, his breathing the got progressively heavier and louder gave him away anyway.

Y/N looked over at jungkook seeing him not focused on anything his gaze moving all over and breathing heavily. She decided to do something, she called tae. "Hey appa". "Hey y/n what's up". "We will drive till xxx but I'll take the backroad, you continue on the main road". "Oh okay, but the backroad is long and lonely".

"I know but I've passed there many times in the past so it's alright I'll hang up now". "Okay bye love u". "Love u too". They hung up and y/n took a road off the main street leading to a backroad. Jungkook was yet to notice the change of roads as he was busy trying to stabilize himself.

Y/N pulled over on the road and that's when jungkook came back k to reality. He looked around. "W-where are we"? His voice was soft but heavy. He was trying hard not to let his voice crack. "A back street, what's wrong with u". He looked at her giving a falsely confused expression trying to play off the fact that his eyes were watering.

"Don't try that u know what I'm talking about I'm not stupid to fall for that fake confusion thing". Jungkook looked down in defeat, y/n sighed and turned infront. "What do u have to say"? She was giving him a chance to speak his mind.

He looked at her unsure as to if he really wanted to say. She looked back at him and nodded, the atmosphere was slowly losing its intensity, both of them were settling down.

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