new tattoos

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Today y/n got up in an extra good mood as she had something planned to do today. Jisoo and sarange seemingly woke up already as they weren't beside y/n when she got up.

She made her way to the bathroom to get showered showered changed as she had somewhere to go.

*minus the mask ofc*

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*minus the mask ofc*

She walked downstairs and as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs a little body clung onto her leg making her look down. "Gud morning mom". Sarange gave her bunny smile which looked identical to y/n's somehow.

"Good morning baby". Y/N lifted her daughter into her arms as she walked to the kitchen where tae and jisoo were making breakfast and talking. She kissed tae cheek and back hugged jisoo. "Good morning u two". "Good morning babe/princess".

"What are u both making". She walked to the counter and sat on a stool placing sarange on the counter facing her. "Waffles and fruit". Tae replied. "Ohh okay". For the next couple minutes she watched sarange who was playing with her tatood fingers.

Soon another bed headed figure approached yawning clearly had just risen from his bed brushed his teeth and came out. "Bunnyyyy"!! Sarange automatically got excited seeing her other grandfather.

Jungkook smiled as he say beside y/n kissing his daughters cheek her opened his arms for the excited baby who was looking at him. Sarange giggled loudly and dived into her bunny grandfather's arms.

"Good morning little bun". "Good morning bunny". They both smiled and then y/n scoffed making jungkook looked at her with a raised brow. "U hug her and all I get is a lousy good morning". She said playfully.

Jungkook laughed and pulled his daughter into the hug aswell all three of u were giggling and talking about random funny stuff back and forth at the counter as jisoo a d tae listened to it all smiling.

Then tae questioned noticing something. "Princess why are u dressed up by the way, I thought I told u that u don't have work today"? "Oh right, well u see I'm gonna go do something today so yeah I'm dressed". Tae nodded then asked once more.

"What are u planning to do"? "A secret, you'll find out later". Everyone eyed her suspiciously before going back to what they were doing. Soon breakfast was ready and everyone ate. After finishing y/n gave everyone a hug and gave sarange and jisoo their goodbye kiss and left the house.

For hours she was gone and usually she would call home and give updates and say that she was okay if she was spending more than an hour or two outside but today she didn't. This mad everyone worry we'll except for sarange cause she didn't understand quite yet.

"Jisoo why dont u call her and see where she is and what shes doing"? Jisoo nodded at taes statement and called y/n. Soon she picked up and jisoo bombarded her with questions. "Babe, where are u, are u okay, when are u coming home, what are u doing so long"?

Y/N on the other line chuckled. "Calm down hun, in on my way home already, tell everyone not to worry I'm alright". Jisoo gave a sigh of relief. "Okay babe bye". They cut the call jisoo told everyone what y/n said and they all patiently waited for her to get home.

Within half hour they heard the front door unlock and the familiar heavy footsteps approached. "Mommmm"!! Sarange latched her body onto y/n's leg per usual as soon as she entered the room.

"Finally your back princess". "Yup I'm.back dad". "What did u do for so long bun"? "That's why I'm gonna show u all now appa". She lifted sarange and put her in jisoos lap. She then lifted her hoodie over her head.

All of her tatoos on her upper body were exposed but they were yet to notice a difference as there were so many. "What are u doing babe"? They all nodded in agreement being confused.

"Look closely, see if u all find a difference". They all gathered around her and looked closely at her skin". Tae was first to speak. "Wait whats this". He pointed to this.

"Who's nickname is V and who's favourite song is singularity"? A big smile grew on his face

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"Who's nickname is V and who's favourite song is singularity"? A big smile grew on his face. "My nickname and favourite song? U got this for me"? Y/N nodded returning the smile. "Oh my god I love it, u didn't have to do this princess but I appreciate it alot".

Then jungkook was next. "What's this"? He pointed to this on her other arm.

"Who's initials are JK"? "Mine"? "Wait, u tatood my initials"?!?! He was baffled

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"Who's initials are JK"? "Mine"? "Wait, u tatood my initials"?!?! He was baffled. Y/N nodded laughing as his face was hilarious. "Oh my God I love it, thank u bun". He kissed her forehead.

"Is that all babe"? Y/N shook her head. "There's a third one for u to find baby". Y/N took sarange and placed her on her lap. "Baby help your eomma find the other drawing". Sarange went into detective mode looking for the new drawing her mom spoke of making everyone giggle.

Soon she jumped up. "Mom mom I found it"!! "Where is it baby I still can't find it". Sarnage stood on y/n's thigh and pointed to the tattoo that was hidden between all of y/n's others.

 Sarnage stood on y/n's thigh and pointed to the tattoo that was hidden between all of y/n's others

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Jisoo was mesmerized she ran her finger over it. "It's beautiful babe". "They half that are roses is dedicated to u and the butterfly half is for sarange". The two girls suffocated y/n in a hug. "We love ittt". They said in unison.

Everyone was happy. "I'm glad all of u like them". Then all four of them came together and said. "Like them??? We love them". She laughed "Alright alright love them". For the rest of the day they all had family time. It was a great day for them indeed.

Jeon Jungkook ff Long time Hate✔Where stories live. Discover now