dad's friend

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As y/n walked down the stairs slowly she heard the chattering and laughing of her father and another person who's voice was alot deeper.

As she got to the bottom of the stairs and was heading quietly to the kitchen a question the guy asked stopped her.

"Jungkook who is that". "Who hyung"? "Oh no". Was the only thing y/n couls think she knew she was in trouble now.

"The little girl". The air got thick Jungkook turned and looked at y/n with his same piercing gaze. He turned back and smiled.

"Shes just a friends kid". The guy squinted, "who friend? Last time I checked u deny everyone". "Oh come on hyung she's just a friends kid leave it".

It hurt y/n hearing his words but she didn't say anything. As she was about to run back upstairs the front door opened revealing her grandparents.

She started panicking knowing they were gonna approach her. "Oh taehyung you're hear how are u child". Mrs.jeon asked the guy.

"I'm good aunt". "That's good to hear son". Mr.Jeon continued. "Oh y/n, my grandchild, we weren't home when u got back how was school".

As she expected her grandmother called her "grandchild". "U-uhm it was good mama". She whispered. "Hold on, grandchild"? Taehyung was now beyond confused.

"Oh yes didn't Jungkook tell u this is his daughter Jeon Y/N". Mr.Jeon explained. Taehyung glared at jungkook. "No he didnt".

Y/N hung her head feeling everyone's gaze was on her. "How old is she"? "Y/N dear go introduce yourself". Mrs.jeon pushed y/n forward.

Y/N hesitantly walked forward and bowed. "H-hi my name is y/n i-im 14 years o-old". She whispered out enough for him to hear. Once she was done she walked back to her grandfather.

"She 14, jungkook are u serious". "What hyung". Jungkook was now irritated. "You have a daughter and didn't tell me, we've been bestfriends since diapers and after 14 years I only now get to know u have a daughter".

"Who's her mother"?!? That question made jungkook snap. "That's not your fucking business and no she's not my daughter she's a fucking mistake who shouldn't even be here she's damn bad luck".

"I'm going to my room when you're ready to talk about something important then call me". Jungkook bolted upstairs not forgetting to glare at y/n as he did so.

Y/N's tear were falling non stop. Mr.Jeon lifted her into his arms as she cried her eyes out on his shoulder. Taehyung got up and walked over.

"Can I talk with her"? Mr and Mrs.jeon nodded as he started. "Hi little one, I'm taehyung u can call me taetae or whatever u want". He wiped her tears.

Y/N looked at him with her teary eyes. He opened his arms for her. "Will u come with me for a little, I'll take u for a little treat and we can talk". Y/N didn't know why but she felt safe with him around.

She had her grandparents Ofcourse but with him it was different. Hesitantly she rea he'd across to him. This shocked her grandparents cause y/n never acts like this but they were happy.

Taehyung took her into his arms and wiped her tears. "No more crying hm". She nodded a little and there were no more tears just sniffles. Taehyung smiled and spoke.

"I'll take her out for a little I'll bring her back after". "We trust u son keep her for as long as u want, we know she's safe with u".

Taehyung smiled and walked outside with y/n who was silently in his arms with her head on his shoulder.

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