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After and entire day of school work and even more tormenting from Alex it was finally time to go home.

I was drained physically mentally and emotionally. I had to walk all the way back home I wouldn't lie it was a bit of a distance.

I slipped on my backpack and walked out the school gates I was one of the first out. I don't stay back too long to invite further trouble for myself.

My legs ached as I walked with my heavy bag. Not only cause of the walking but because of the bruises with my thick leggings covered.

Yeah u read correctly bruises, whenever papa and mama aren't at home appa would take all his anger out on me by beat me and shouting at me.

These bruises were from a couple days ago but they still hurt as tho they were fresh. Obviously cause I didn't have anyone to properly treat them for me.

I'm not the best at caring for myself so I just leave them to hopefully dry and heal on their own. But that doesn't always work in my favor.

Not that anything does. Sighing I quietly made the rest of my journey home. As I walked into the huge yard I saw one of my grandparents cars were gone.

I started trembeling and sweating where I stood. I knew what that meant, "oh God no please don't make him be home".

I tightly crossed my fingers as I opened the front door and walked in. As I was about to run up the stairs the voice I didn't wish to hear call at this point in time stopped me.

"Don't u dare try to run". His voice sent chills down my spine, my shaking intensified, I turned and saw him sitting looking directly at me.

With a leather belt in his hand. He signed me to walk over. I wordlessly dropped my bag and walked over knowing refusing or trying to run would only make things worse for me.

Appa made me take my hoodie off so now it was just my bare skin and he started to mercilessly beat me. With each hit my cries were louder and louder.

This is what happens always. He shouts and hits and doesn't stop till an hour is up. I feel like I can pass out but the pain of every hit beings me back.

Once he was done he threw my hoodie at my face. "Get fucking lost my friend is coming over don't u dare come out of your room".

I immediately scattered to my feet ignoring the agonizing pain I was in and limped to my room with my hoodie and bag.

As I got into my room I locked the door and dropped to the floor. I brought my knees to my chest crying and shaking beyond my own control.

It was enough that he plainly didn't care for me but the beating really hurt beyond what my words could explain.

At this point if he was to go as far as trying to kill me I wouldn't be shocked I would quicker thank him for taking me out of my pitiful reality.

I heard the front door open and appa greeting someone I guess it's his friend. I stumbled getting up and went to my bathroom to take a shower.

Once done I threw on a new hoodie and some white joggers. I was hungry but scared to go downstairs to get anything as appa warned me not to come down.

After a while I decided I'll go down but be quiet. I knew it was a bad idea but I didn't eat anything all day I didn't eat the apple I took and Alex threw my lunch away so I didn't have anything.

Jeon Jungkook ff Long time Hate✔Where stories live. Discover now