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It's been almost a month since Stacey joined y/n's company. She's been doing the work, but, y/n has been receiving complaints that she's been being very disruptive while working. Doing things such as taking calls speaking loudly asking others to do the work for her so she can turn in and leave early and it's been getting on y/n's nerves.

But hearing from what tae had to say about Stacey's character as he knew her in the past. She was never one to have to work she was spoiled always had everything brought to her right where she was and never had to work for anything. All of those qualifications she had was apparently bought when they did further digging.

So y/n stopped giving Stacey all of that worl and just gave her some minor files which yet still took Stacey all day and had just as many errors at this point y/n couldn't care she wanted to fire her very badly. Today was the day as y/n entered the building her aura was different. Everyone felt it.

Usually no one looked when y/n entered but today was different everyone looked. Y/Ns face was cold and everyone felt the anger that emanated off of y/n. She didn't even go to her office as usual she walked into one of the sections where workers were at their tasks already all except one and that wa Stacey.

She had her feet up on the desk rocked back on her chair checking her nails as she was speaking loudly on the phone. Y/N could clearly see the irritation on her other workers face. Y/N may not be the most vocal with her employees but their comfort in the workplace was one of her top concerns everyone knew that.

She slammed her hand on Stacey's desk. The woman who was so engrossed in her phone call didn't even feel the change of air in the building nor notice the figure that approached her with a quick pass. Seeing y/n Stacey was quick to switch off her phone and fix her posture as she became nervous seeing the expression y/n's face held.

She only just felt the thick air in the room. "To my office. Now"! Hearing y/n raise her voice for the first time Stacey quickly got up and jogged in her ridiculously long high heels to y/n's office. Then a very familiar not so pleasant fragrance hit y/n's nostrils. As she walked to her office her mind was all over trying to figure out where she smelled that before.

Then it hit her like a  truck, thats the scent jungkook had been coming home with embedded in his clothes. But coincidently the same day that Stacey joined her company Jungkook didn't come home smelling like that perfume nor with lipstick all over him nor in a messy condition.

Then it started piecing together, for nearly a month Jungkook hadn't been going to that bar nor ever lef the house in itself and it's been the same amount of time that Stacey joined her company. As eveything played back in her mind y/n stopped in the middle of the empty corridor leading straight to her office her jaw hanging in nothing but pure disbelief.

"Was Stacey the one he'd been meeting for so long"? She whispered to herself as she shook her head slowly she couldn't believe it. She quickly entered her office where Stacey was seated stiffly. Y/N walked with heavy steps to her desk taking a seat in her chair. "So, miss Stacey, do u have anything to say for yourself"?

Y/N's voice was laced with nothing but pure annoyance anger and hatred. "U-um i-i". Stacey was far too intimidated by y/n. She was drowning in the girls firey gaze that was set on no one by her. "U what? Continue on please, u did seem to have quite alot to be said when u were outside so go on, give me all the gossip".

Y/N smirked as she knew she was intimidating Stacey this is what she wanted. She held no grudge against anyone but why not have a little fun with situations while u can. Not everything in the workplace has to be boring paperwork. "I-i wasn't waiting for y-you, yeah, i-i d-didnt have w-work yet". Stacey couldn't help but stutter y/n's gaze was killing her from inside.

"Okay so u didn't have any work, do u think it was h alone who had no work to be done? No right? There were alot of others who had nothing to do but u didn't see them rocked back on the chairs feet on the desk and talking on their phones for the whole 15 floors to hear".

Stacey didn't dare to look up. "Apart from this morning I've been having several complaints about u doing these same deeds on several occasions from several of my workers". "W-what, I haven't done t-that before they're l-lieing to y-you". Y/N chuckled darkly. "Don't take me for a fool miss Stacey, this entire building is laced with cameras all connected to my phone. Left right and center".

"I've seen everything, there's no use in lieing, you aren't getting away, I've given u one too many chances but each time you've done nothing but waste my efforts to atleast try to help u better your life. Don't think I don't know who u are to me I'm well aware, and I'll tell u now. I hold no grudge but that doesn't mean you're on my good side".

Stacey's eyes doubled in size. "H-how"? "Oh did u forget that the previous CEO Mr. Kim Taehyung also knew u? He told me eveything from very early on at first I want aware that u were that Stacey but now I know, and mark my words u continue being slack like this I won't hesitate to fire u and make it known to every business place that your qualifications are just as fake as your personality".

Stacey stood up and put her hands together begging. "No no please don't I'm sorry I'll pull myself together give me one more chance please I'll do better". Y/N scoffed. "Let's see how teue that is, I won't be taking it easy on u, leave for the rest of the day I don't want to see you face. But prepare yourself from tomorrow you'll be give 6 Giles everyday to complete one hour before your shift ends with zero errors, got it"?

Stacey nodded. "Yes ma'am". "Good now get out of my building". Stacey ran out as y/n threw her head back on her chair sighing. "Well that's one way to start a day".

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