a woman?

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Its been couple months since what was previously mentioned took place. Everything was going well, y/n even managed to gather another once in a lifetime contract for the company and boosted profits even further.

She gave front line workers a raise and made alot of investments to better everyone. Tae was there with her all through the process aswell, ofcourse from being her manager he had to. He was bursting with pride everytime he saw y/n come forward.

It really was great as for at the house. Sarange is now topping her class, her level of knowledge shocked everyone but that also resulted in her being able to do her end of year tests early and skip to a higher class.

Everyone was very proud of her saying she followed in y/n's footsteps as she was also successful in school. Jisoo also made an accomplishment by learning more English. Y/N is fluent in English and she wanted to be aswell.

She worked hard studying in different ways when sarange was at school and built her vocabulary alot. Often times she would say I love u to y/n in English and y/n couldn't help but fall deeper in love with jisoo.

But as for jungkook he's been being a little more closed off about his whereabouts. Often times he'd get ready shortly great everyone and leave the house for hours. When he'd get back home he'd smell strongly of a woman's perfume.

This Confused everyone, which woman was he meeting. He'd never once mentioned have any female friends either not to y/n not to Tae not to anyone. He was being sort of mysterious which didn't sit well with y/n.

Yes their start was rough but now they're like bestfriends and while that's hard to believe a father being bestfriends with his daughter. It's true they haven't hid anything from each other. So now that he clearly was keeping something it cause a discomfort in a way.

Nonetheless everyone let him be as he is human aswell and has a right to privacy and to be able to live his life how he wished as long as he didn't cause trouble for anyone whether it was direct or indirect.

That was untill this week, jungkook had been coming home all hours of the night to morning the stench of alcohol soaked into him and lipstick stains on his skin and clothes. Tho he was never drunk it did cause further curiosity to rise.

Especially in y/n often time when he comes home that hour she'd be awake whether it was that she was working or just chose to stay awake a bit longer she'd be the witness when he'd come home in his serveal different conditions on a daily basis.

So today she decided tho it wasn't too much of her place she was gonna ask him about it all. She couldn't live with that kind of suspense especially knowing how irresponsible her father could sometimes be when left to do as he pleased.

It was currently 12 midnight and here y/n and jisoo were. Y/N had told jisoo about what she wanted to do, that's when jisoo also made it public that jungkooks behavior had sparked curiosity in her aswell. So they both decided that after putting sarange to bed they'll come down and wait for jungkook to return.

As the clock strikes 12:45 the door swings open causing an echo thank God it wasn't too loud or sarange may have woken up. In walked jungkook, shirt wrinkled lipstick stains all over and ofcourse he had the stench of that said perfume all over him.

It wasn't even a pleasant scent either, the two girls faces twisted in disgust as the air was consumed by the fumes of the perfume as jungkook passed them who was in the living room going up to his room directly.

Again he wasn't drunk but definitely he was at a bar. Y/N got up and made sure the door was locked properly and sat back down beside jisoo. "What should we do babe"? "Wait for a bit, let him shower and change that perfume stinks I don't wanna be in there when he smells like that, I might pass out".

Jisoo nodded. "I don't know how he bares that's woman he's always with if she smells like that". "I know, I wouldn't even wanna be within six feet of her". They both sprayed the house with air refresioner as they waited. After half hour they decided to go up to his room.

Knocking on the door to their surprise they hear him answer. "Come in". They opened the door and walking in only to find him sitting on a couch at his room balcony day dreaming. Jisoo and y/n shared a look then walked toward him.

Sitting on the other couch they eyed him. He looked at them aswell. "Why are u two still awake"? "Nothing much appa, we just can't sleep". Just as jungkook was about to answer, they heard the loud cries of a child.

Sarange woke up and didn't see them jisoo ran out to go to her as y/n stayed back. "Won't u go with her"? Y/N shook her head. "Um actually appa I wanted to ask something, i-it might seem out of place b-but I'm curious".

Jungkook eyed her but nodded. "Ask". "U-um, well, I was curious, p-past could weeks, you've been, y-you know, going somewhere and coming back late and whatever e-else, and we were just curious to know what's going on".

She wasn't being to the point as usual cause she didn't feel all too comfortable but she knew Jungkook knew what she meant. Jungkook sighed before smiling.

"It's alright bun, don't be scared to ask me". Now y/n was a bit more comfortable knowing jungkook was mad by her question. "Well um, yeah, what have u been up to"? "Well I went to the bar a day when I was bored and a met a woman".

"A woman"? "Yeah a woman, she's a bartender there, she's really nice". He smiled and started day dreaming about her again. Y/N looked at him weirdly but soon put back on a normal expression. "Okay well just be careful when u go to the bar to meet her appa".

Jungkook snapped back to reality and smiled nodding. "I will bun don't worry". "I think I'm going to go to bed now appa if sarange wakes up again and doesn't see me she'll throw a tantrum". They hugged as a goodnight and y/n left.

What a night.

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