𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕕

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Jungkook stood outside of the delivery room. Arms crossed and face blank, his girlfriend or shall we say ex girlfriend stacey is giving birth to his daughter.

Now u may ask, why did u call her his now ex, well. She put down a warning for him, as soon as she gave birth she'll give the girl to him and she's leaving.

She didn't care what he did after she was just gonna leave him with his child. She wanted to live her life without the burden of a child on her back.

Jungkook on the other hand didn't know what to do or think. He's still young just like his girlfriend only 15 and he didn't want to deal with a child.

But his parents are forcing him to take the baby as his own saying that he should have been more responsible when he got involved with his girlfriend.

He didn't find it fair tho how her parents weren't forcing Stacey to take on the responsibility of the child aswell. His young mind made him see the child as a punishment.

The delivery was over the room went silent, the doctor came out and said it's okay for the families to come in and see the mother and newborn child.

As jungkook saw the little girl that layed on the hospital bed beside Stacey he felt a string hate rise within him for the little human. "Damn bad omen". He thought to himself.

The doctors put a bottle in the babies mouth and handed the child to Stacey. She scrunched her face and made jungkooks mother take the child.

Jungkook had his piercing gaze on the baby girl the whole time. "What shall we name her"? Jungkooks father asked. No one responded but then Mrs.jeon suggested.

"How about y/n"? "Oh that's a beautiful name honey, what do u think jungkook"? His parents looked at him as he just looked away. "Whatever I don't care". They shook their heads.

Within a weeks time Mr and Mrs.jeon got together and entire nursery for y/n and took her home to live with them and jungkook ofc.

Stacey and her family on the other hand cut connection with the Jeons and Stacey made it clear to jungkook she didn't want to see and or hear him again.

As the minutes went by Jungkook continuously blamed everything he didn't like on the little girl y/n. He didn't even attempt the take care of his child.

He vowed to himself he would never show any care to this kid.

Jeon Jungkook ff Long time Hate✔Where stories live. Discover now