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As y/n parked behind tae both her and jungkook got out and walked side by side to where the tae and Mr and were.

As the three saw the pair they were shocked, how were they casually walking side by side like that? Usually y/n would avoid being anywhere near jungkook.

As y/n sat beside tae and jungkook beside her everyone just stared. "What the heck got into u three"? Y/N was first to speak. Tae immediately after replied.

"WHAT GOT INTO US WHATS GOT INTO U-"!?!?! Y/N quickly covered his mouth with her palm and giving the people around them an apologetic look.

She looked back at tae. "Cool it nothings got into anyone, we're in a public cafe appa stop shouting". Tae then nodded and fixed his posture.

Meanwhile jungkook wasn't too happy hearing y/n yet again call tae "appa" but was yet to address him. But what else did he expect tae was her long time father figure so he couldn't be mad. He brought this upon himself.

After a couple minutes a pretty girl in a uniform with the cafes logo on her shirt appeared with her little book and pen in hand. "Hi, may I have your orders please". She gave a polite smile afterwards.

Y/N had no clue what happened to her but the girls smile made a smile appear on her face aswell which she was quick to hide after realizing as she turned her head to the other side. Jungkook eyed her as she simply looked past him.

As the girl left y/n finally turned back thankfully no one but Jungkook noticed her reaction to the girl. Soon she came back again to give them their orders and y/n's heart was beating out of her chest.

The entire time as everyone ate and talked y/n's mind was strictly on that girl she couldn't help but be mesmerized by her. As y/n drank her smoothie she looked through the glass window of the Cafe.

She saw the girl was peeking at her with a smile on her face. They both quickly looked away. The entire time jungkook was analyzing y/n and it hit him hard.

Y/N was interested in the girl. His eyes widened but taking the hint that she was trying to be on the low he regained his composure as best as he could.

Once they were done eating and they payed they were ready to get back on the road but y/n suddenly said this. "Um, you guys go I'll be right back". She handed the keys for her truck to jungkook and jogged inside if the Cafe.

Jungkook who stayed back saw her go to the girl who was sitting at the counter and started talking to her. Then they switched phones, it cane to him. They were taking each others number.

They smiled as they said goodbye to each other and y/n made her way back out if the Cafe to jungkook taking her keys. Seeing the way jungkook eyed her she pressed her lips into a thin line. "Umm let's go now the others are waiting".

She quickly made her way back to the truck as jungkook slowly did the same. While driving jungkook finally asked. "So, what was up with u and that girl". Y/N gulped hearing the question. "Umm, nothing much, I just wanted to uh give her a tip".

Jungkook shook his head, "yeah sure your phone number is a tip"? Y/N took a deep breath she knew she was wasting time trying to lie to him. "Hmm, fine yeah I gave her my number and took hers so what"?

She was trying to sound unbothered by the situation. "U like her"? He got straight to the point making y/n stunned. "W-what"? "U heard me". "Do u like her"? Y/N didn't know what to do or say at that point.

"I'm not gonna be mad y/n do u like her"? He looked at her with soft eyes. She didn't look at him just at the road but somehow she managed to nod making jungkook smile. "Well good choice she seems nice and not any like spoiled rich girl who'll use u".

"Have u told tae you like girls"? She shook her head the mention of tae knowing made her nervous. "Do u think he'd accept it"? "I'm not sure". Jungkook nodded "well don't think about it, just win her heart".

Y/N smiled "thanks a-appa". That name brought tears to jungkooks eyes but he held himself back and smiled. "Ofcourse, I'll always accept you". "By the way what's her name if u got it"?

"Oh, jisso, her name is so pretty". Y/N smiled to herself she was head over heals already. "Hm indeed it is".

Jeon Jungkook ff Long time Hate✔Where stories live. Discover now