all's well it ends well

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It's been a year since this all happened and everything has been fine. Jungkook settled down and made up for his wrong deeds as best as possible and cake to the conclusion that relationships just aren't for him.

After Stacey he lost interest in trying to find a partner. He realized that the family he has with him now is all he'll ever need in this life time. Y/N on the other hand forgave her father for the sake of having a happy family and not having him hurt himself.

In all seriousness she really wasn't mad to begin with as she said she was disappointed but seeing the permanent changes jungkook had made to his character over the past year for the better made her happy.

But now often she checks his skin when she has time as she doesn't want to risk leaving him and having him still be hurting himself. Especially since she had only gotten to know that in the past he also harmed himself.


Mr.Jeon came in the morning and took sarnage saying he hasn't spent time with his great granddaughter in so long and he wanted to spend a day with her. Ofcourse the child's parents allowed it and got her ready and sent her to have a bonding day with her grandfather and jisoo and tae accompanied incase anything was to happen.

Now Jungkook and y/n we're both home alone. Y/N was in her home office finishing up some work. As she closed her laptop she leaned back on her chair and sighed. Pulling out her phone she looked at the family portrait she had as her home screen. Her eyes automatically fell on the face of her grandmother.

"I miss u mama, I never thought I would've seen the day you'd disown me as your grandchild but then again, so much has happened in our lives. It's okay". Y/N smiled sadly and then her eyes fell on tae and her smile brightened a little. "Thanks for being there for me when I need someone most dad".

Then she looked at her wife child and grandfather that's when she remembered they were all out and it was only her and jungkook. Then she came to the realization that it's been a good few says since she last checked him. Switching off her phone she got up and fixed her loose sweatshirt and sweatpants.

She walked out hands in her pockets after closing the door. She walked all the way across the house as her office was all the way on the eastern side of that house while all bedroom where on her western side. As she approached the door she knocked and waited for a reply.

Seconds later she heard a soft come in. Getting in she saw jungkook covered from head to toe his eyes barely opened and hair a mess. She quietly walked towards him sitting on the edge of the bed and brushed back his hair away from his eyes. "Did I wake u up"?

Jungkook shook his head with a yawn as his eyes were drooping shut making y/n chuckle. She softly spoke as to not alert him. "Yah wake up it's already 12:00 the others aren't home either". He finally opened his eyes with a questioning look.

"Papa came and they all went to spend some time together with him, I stayed so u wouldn't be home alone". Jungkook looked at her fir a second before smiling with his bunny teeth. She smiled back and then put her hand out. Jungkook knew what she wanted to do so he sat up and let her check his skin.

After she was done she smiled. "Good". Jungkook also smiled and plopped back onto bed. "Still tired"? He nodded quickly like a child making y/n chuckle and shake her head. "You know if anyone else was to see this they wouldn't believe I'm the child and you're the parent".

Jungkook pressed his lips into a line while nodding. Y/N sighed and layed down beside him as he was in the middle of the bed. "That's fine tho as long as we're comfortable, right"? She turned and looked at him again. He finally spoke. "Yeah, right".

She pulled him into a hug as she laughed. "What a heck of a lifetime we had huh"? "Yeah". He also laughed along with her. "But u know what look on the bright said, atleast we can never say our life was boring, right"?

"True, atleast in the end we are all alright and still here, maybe not all together but we're all still here and good". Y/N nodded. "Thanks appa". Jungkook frowned and looked at her. "For what"? "For everything, just look at it, to the average person they'd say everything that we ever went through was nothing but bad".

"But look deeper, we all grew through everything, through every up and down we learned something and bettered ourselves for future". He smiled at the realization. "You're right, we did grow". "Yeah, so thanks, thanks for keeping me, thanks for allowing me to be myself through the years".

"Most of all, thanks for staying, sure we parted for a while but in the end here we all comfortable happy and all together as a family, no harsh feelings no more fights and no more hate". "Well in that case thank u aswell bun". "For what"?

"For not casting me out when I was being a pain for you and disrupting your life. Thanks for not seeing me as a burden for a parent, thanks for teaching me how to properly live life and change for the better". Y/N chuckled "I guess we all just have to be grateful for life now huh".

He nodded and they both started to playfully wrestle laughing and just enjoying their time. "I love u appa". "I love u too my daughter".....

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