twisted reality

891 19 5

Next morning y/n woke up earlier than everyone and got ready.

She didn't want to have to face jungkook after last night's events so after getting ready by the time she was out sarange and jisoo were already awake

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She didn't want to have to face jungkook after last night's events so after getting ready by the time she was out sarange and jisoo were already awake.

She kissed jisoos lips and kissed saranges forehead. "I'll be waiting in the car". With that she left with her things. Going to the kitchen she saw both tae and jungkook she cursed under her breath before calmly walking in.

She kissed tae on the cheek. "Good morning dad". "Good morning princess". Y/N took up an apple. "I'll be in the car waiting for sarange". With that she walked away. Jungkook was yet to look up or even speak but seeing how y/n completly casted him aside sure hurt.

Tae peeked at jungkook noticing his hurt expression pained his heart. Tho he was also mad about what the younger did he still cared he knew y/n was in the same situation but people deal with things differently.

After getting her ready and helping her have breakfast jisoo brought sarange outside to y/n's car helping her in with her little backpack. She kissed saranges cheek and pecked y/n's lips.

As she went back inside y/n drove off dropping sarange at school she went to her office the part she dreaded the most. As she entered the first person she was approached by was non other than.

Stacey, In a bright pink outfit and extremely long heels that still didn't manage to bring her up to anyone's hight and made y/n feel to throw up from the ugly bright color.
(Sorry to anyone that likes pink)

"Good morning Miss Y/N". Y/N sighed and coldly replied. "Good morning Miss Stacey what do u need this early in the morning and why are u dressed like this".

"Like what Miss y/n"? "Leave the bright colors for elsewhere, when you're here keep it more to browns greys white or black or just any dark color, good? Look at everyone else then look at yourself".

Stacey bit her bottom lip in embarrassment ass he nodded. "Yes Miss y/n and I um I wanted to start my work earlier so please may I have my files for today"?

Y/N eyed her in suspicion before slowly nodding and walking away followed by Stacey. Getting into the office y/n pulled out 6 thick files from her desk drawer. Stacey's eyes widened seeing the pile of work she was being given.

"T-this much"? "I said I was giving more didn't i"? Y/N glared at her as Stacey nodded. "Exactly". Y/N dropped the pile on the table causing a loud slam making Stacy flinched .

"Take it, go". Stacey gulped then took her chance and said. "H-how can u do this to y-your m-mother y-y/n"? Y/N slammed her hand on the desk. "Take them and LEAVE"!

Stacey quickly regretted her statement taking the papers she stumbled out of the office. Y/N massaged her forehead already frustrated. "Why does it always have to be me that suffers"?

For the rest of the morning y/n wasn't seen nor heard from she didn't step out of her office she just stayed inside doing work on her computer and told her secretary when she needed something.

Couple minutes before tae called y/n saying saranges school called saying they ended early but she didn't have to go for her as he already did. Seeing this y/n decided s work later and get more done as she doesn't have to leave at 1:30.

Off and on she would check the camera to see if Stacey was doing the work and at first she was but then y/n saw her going on her phone and making calls and other staff started complaining again.

Y/N finally walked down and caught Stacey again on the phone. Seeing y/n Stacey dropped her phone with a horrified expression knowing she was caught. Y/N shook her head at the sight.

"Miss Stacey come to my office". Her voice was raspy and cold sending shivers down everyone's spine. Stacey quickly picked up her papaers and laptop and followed y/n to her office. Getting in y/n pointed to the couch.

"Work there don't let me see u being distracted or I will make u stay here after hours if it means that you'll finish those papers today, and be careful or I will add more to the pile. Continue now".

Stacey sighed and did as told.


Its now 1:30 and both y/n and Stacey were working when all of a sudden the office door opened revealing jungkook. Y/N cocked a brow then remembered Stacey. She cursed under her breath.

Jungkook started speaking. "Hey bun i came to talk to u im sor-". He stopped noticing the other woman who was already looking straight at him. His eyes widened as did hers. "S-stacey"? "Jungkook"? "Why are u here"? They ask one another in unison.

Knowing that trying to intervene would only bring her frustration y/n leaned back I her seat Watching the drama that was about to take place. She texted her secretary to send everyone home and leave herself.

Y/N didn't want other workers to hear when these two start talking as she knew it was gonna get loud. "I work here". Jungkook looked at y/n. "So she was here and u never told me"? Y/N frowned. "Why would I tell u? That's not your business".

"What do u mean she's my girlfri-". He was cut off by a slap on the arm by Stacey. Y/N stood up hearing him. "Shes your what"?!?!? Jungkook cleared his throat. "S-shes my friend". Y/N scoffed.

"Idiot is marked on my skin isn't it"? Jungkook frowned. "No"? "Exactly so don't take me for one. Tell me the damn truth who I'd she to u now, and don't pull that "It's not your business y/n" crap cause I swear we will fight, I've had it to my head with this".

She walked forward to them. "Now repeat for me who is she"?

"S-shes my girlfriend". Y/N laughed like a psycho hanging her head. She looked up. "ARE U SERIOUS RIGHT NOW"?!?!? Stacey and jungkook flinched at her shout. "Y/N don't u dare shou-". "Don't u dare try to threaten me this is ridiculous".

"Y/N it's our lives we can do what we want". Y/N breathed out deeply. "I know that but after all that she's caused not only you but also me you're seriously just gonna run back to her like a love sick idiot? I've asked before and I'll ask again"?

"HAVE U LEARNED NOTHING? People like HER never change". "JEON Y/N"! Jungkook lifted his hand to slap y/n but soon realized what he was doing and stopped himself. Y/N looked him dead in his eyes and smiled bitterly.

"Go on do it, it wouldn't be the first time".

Jungkook put down his hand and kept his gaze low in shame. He knew what he was doing wasn't right and he was gonna pay for it. Soon y/n spoke again.

"You know what? Live your lives I don't care do what u want it's not my place, forget I said anything. Stacey u don't have to work for me anymore, I'm leaving". With that y/n picked up her stuff and left.

Jungkook and Stacey looked at one another. Stacey was about to speak but Jungkook stopped her. "Shes right I should've known after all these years you'd only bring bad for my life, what am I doing I almost slapped my princess for u. Damn in stupid".

"W-what, you're gonna ditch me for a mistake like her-". She was cut off by a tight slap on her right cheek. Her face turned to the side as her tears welled up. "Don't u dare speak ill about my daughter, you're the mistake here, I made the mistake of letting u into my life once and I almost did it again".

Stacey was shocked and mad. "HOW COULD U DO THIS TO ME"? "Oh save it I don't want to hear u". Jungkook took up Stacey's things and threw them for her. Pulling her out of the office he closed the door and shoved her put of the company building.

"Don't ever return not here nor to our lives or I will let y/n ruin you forever cause she most definitely won't have mercy on u for what y caused us all". Stacey's eyes widened as she nodded and scrambled off. Jungkook didn't know where but he knew it was away from him and his daughter.

"Why do we have to be the ones that face this twisted reality"? He sighed and looked down walking to the car her took to go home. "Time to try to fix my mistakes".

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