back to square one

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As soon as y/n got home she didn't even bother to greet anyone she wanted to be with jisoo. Not seeing her downstairs in the livingroom where she usually is y/n went to their room and saw jisoo alone in the room.

She locked the door catching jisoos attention she wad about to speak but seeing the expression of pain and sadness and overall pain y/n's face held she didn't bother.

Y/N slowly walked towards jisoo her gaze on the floor. "Where is sarange"? She asked jisoo her voice cracking at the end. "At the park with dad". Y/N took her chance taking her shoes off she layed down face flat on jisoos stomach hugging her waist.

Jisoo was now sure something was up as y/n only hugged her like this when she wanted extra comfort when she's feel down. Normally she'd put jisoo on her lap and hug her like that, "what happened baby".

Y/N raised her head hearing the question she looked at jisoo like a lost puppy. Her eyes were glassy and her lips quivered. Jisoo ran her fingers through y/n's hair. "Tell me baby". She put her hands under y/n's arms and pulled her up she her head rested in the crook of her neck and their bodies met.

"Why does he always make these horrible decisions knowing damn well they're wrong". "What did appa do again"? Y/N's tears finally started to fall. "H-he went back to h-her". "What"? Y/N sniffed. "Stacey, my new worker she's my m-mother, I didn't know at first but then dad told me after seeing her profile".

"I figured out she was also the one he'd been meeting for about a month every night I even saw a video from the bar he even kissed her. After all she caused. T-then today he came to the office".

"She was there with me, she was distracting the other workers so I had to keep in my office too monitor her. He came saw her and we started to fight cause he said he made her his g-girlfriend a-again".

"I-i was mad I didn't understand how h-he could do t-that. I shouted out of anger and then he tried to s-slap m-me for h-her. Wad I really w-wrong for wanting what best for h-him for all of u-us"?

"I-i know I maybe should've dealt with it differently but did he really have to do that"? She was now crying hard in jisoos arms. "No baby u weren't wrong, I seriously don't understand what was going on in appasind either but don't blame yourself. U did what was right, he shouldn't have tried to slap his own daughter".

Y/N chuckled in tears. "Does it even matter it would be the f-first time. He beat me everyday for so many years what difference does it make now". "Shhh, just relax now, try to rest, you had a long day, I'll text dad and tell him to keep sarange with him for a while longer".

Y/N sniffled nodding. Jisoo removed y/n's shirt for her to bed more comfortable kissed her forehead and massaged her head to help her sleep, being exhausted from the day and crying so much y/n feel asleep in no time.

Jisoo even managed to to shift her onto a pillow  get up and cover her and y/n didn't move a muscle. Jisoo sighed as she looked at her wife. "U really don't deserve this baby, I'm sorry, you lost your whole childhood and now you're still living with problems".

Jisoo walked to the door unlocking it she quietly got put of the room to go cook. She knew y/n only had an apple for the entire day and she'll be hungry. Arriving downstairs she saw tae with sarange. "Hey jisoo I saw y/n's car where is she tho".

Jisoo sighed again and told tae everything. Tae was furious, he knew Jungkook was irresponsible but he never imagined it would be to that extent he honestly thought jungkook matured but guess he was wrong. Same time jungkook arrived home also with a saddened look.

Tae immediately went to him giving him a tight slap. "WHAT THE HELL DID U DO"? "D-dad don't shout please y/n's asleep, we don't need her waking up to this". Tae nodded and jisoo left with sarange. Jungkook who was standing there his hand holding his cheek didn't dare to look up.

"Answer me brat, what did u do huh"? "H-hyung I'm sor-". "Sorry nothing, what are u an impulsive teenager? Do u seriously not understand the severity of the things u do? Do u know the kind of mental and physical pain u already caused that child when she was little, do u and you're doing it again"?

"After she decided to leave the past in the past and forgive u, you're back doing this nonsense again? After all the crap Stacey caused you went back to her again? That too behind our backs not only that u tried to slap y/n for putting u in your place. You seriously don't deserve a child do u know that"?

"Do u know how much you made that little girl cry"? Jungkook could only stand and listen he didn't have the guts to say anything. "If no one else you're the only one here that deserves a slap and a good beating cause clearly that's the only way You might learn.

Because of your stupidity and irresponsibility we're back to square one. I wanna see how u face her from now on". With that tae walked off leaving jungkook in tears on his own in the living room. It was true he knew he deserved to suffer for what he'd encouraged and caused, he really didn't know how he'd face y/n again.

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