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"JEON JEONGGUK"!! As soon as they arrived home Mr.Jeon completly changed his whole calm mood faded and the rage took over.

Mrs.jeon didn't even attempt to calm her husband jungkook who was in his room staring at the wall flinched hearing his fathers voice.

He was the only person in which jungkook feared in this world more than God himself, and today Mr.Jeon was more than ready to do God's work on his very own.

Mr.Jeon made his way to his sons room with quick long strides. Bursting through the door his eyes landed on jungkooks figure who was now starting to tremble.

As all of this was going on Mrs.jeon silently made her way to her granddaughters room and started packing all of her clothes and essentials to give to Tae.

Back with Mr.Jeon and Jungkook, Mr.Jeon lifted jungkook by his collar bringing them face to face. Mr.Jeon's eyes were red with anger. "Anything to say for yourself boy"?

Jungkook knew he was more than in trouble. His father never addressed him with the title of boy unless he was angry beyond words. "I-i". Jungkook couldn't form not even one proper sentence.

"I-i, you what, SPEAK". Jungkooks shaking picked up by every passing second. Having enough of the irritating silence Mr.Jeon lifted his hand and gave jungkook yet another tight slap on his face.

Jungkook fell from his grip back onto the bed where he previously sat. Now crying and holding his cheek to suppress the pain of his fathers slap.



"SHE WAS A DAMN BABY, HOW CAN U BLAME A BABY FOR YOUR OWN QRONG CHOICES HUH? You took part in creating that child. You were beating the human being you were supposed to love the most".

"If u were CAREFUL or RESPONSIBLE nothing would be the way they are today. Who told u to grow up too fast HUH? Cause it definitely wasn't me. Your mother and that little girl who you choose to punish for nothing".

"I DONT care about her I made that more than clear she's a JINX in my life nothing more". Jungkook stood as his tears were non stop falling. Mr.Jeon shook his head in disbelief.

"How did I get such a stupid son". Jungkook was baffled by his words he never expected that but before he could comment on it Mr.Jeon walked out slamming the door shut.

Immediately after being left alone jungkook fell back to his knees on the floor crying and shouting all kinds of nasty things. Blaming only y/n for the mess he got himself into.

Mrs.jeon was now done packing for y/n Mr.Jeon approached her seeing the anger sadness and utter madness that seemed to consume her husband she sighed. "Forget it now honey, nothing can be changed now, atleast we know once y/n is with tae shell be okay now".

Mr.Jeon sighed calmed himself straightened his shirt and nodded. "Let's go back to the hospital with these things and see how y/n is doing".

They took the things and went back to the hospital where y/n was now awake and silently clinging to Tae her wounds were now cleaned and bandaged and they put her hoodie back on for her to remain warm and covered.

The entire time y/n insisted on staying with Tae close to him she didn't feel safe away from him. He was her comfort zone now aswell as her grandparents but they weren't in the room yet.

Soon they arrived with y/n's bags. "Oh dear you're awake, Tae here are all her things". "Papa". Y/N stretched her arms like a toddler in her grandfathers direction asking for a hug which he gladly gave.

These were in the only people who y/n felt safe with in the world. She vowed to herself never to trust anyone else in her life and never expect love from anyone else. After what her father did to her today y/n won't be the same little girl anymore to people.

"I've done her discharge papers already aunt and uncle". They looked at him then to one another. "Call us eomma and appa child we see u as our son, we've know u since even before h were born".

Tae smile and nodded. "Well eomma and appa I think I'll take her home with me for the night. I'll have my maids pack my things and tomorrow we will leave". Mr and Mrs.jeon smiled sadly and nodded.

Y/N looked between the three adults the realization that she'll have to leave her grandparents only now settling into her mind. "Wait appa, I dont wanna leave them". "Don't worry princess they know where in taking u they'll come visit u often".

She turned and looked back at her grandparents seeing them nod with tender smiles her heart was at ease now. She nodded as tae lifted her into his arms. The four walked out of the hospital and parted ways after hugging and saying goodbye.

The jeons went home now pretending as if jungkook wasn't even there and Tae and y/n went to his mansion y/n was out into the guest room Tae sang her to sleep and then headed to his room to freshen up and sleep.

They'll need to rest after all they've got a packed say tomorrow with all the events that moving holds. But thankfully it won't be too hectic as it's only their close and what's important to them.

No furniture or anything big. After all it is the mansion in Busan they'll be living in so it already has else in it.

Jeon Jungkook ff Long time Hate✔Where stories live. Discover now