Ch 21

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Trying out different styles currently. I kinda like this one, although it takes a looooot longer than my simpler stuff.

Also I love Al's face in this, lol. Mans standing there like "the things I put up with..."

Alastor's POV

I was on my fourth whiskey, the familiar buzz setting in my brain making everything around me just a bit brighter.

By no means am I drunk, but I am going to feel this in the morning if I don't stop for a moment and drink some water.

Fawn, however, was thoroughly drunk.

The sound of her giggling across from me was music to my ears, the completely dazed and happy look on her face being the cherry on top.

This is exactly what I wanted. I wanted her to relax, and I wanted her to have some fun.

Now, I don't want her blacking out...which is why two drinks ago I discretely told our private server that Fawn was to only have non-alcoholic drinks from now on.

Fawn does not know this.

However, she still sipped happily at whatever fruity drink the tender brought her, dancing away in her seat to the sound of peppy jazz.

"Alastor," she slurred my name, gaining my attention, "look—look at me," she said, swaying slightly. Her eyes were defocusing and refocusing and then finally she made eye contact with me.

"Yes, dear?" I asked, trying not to laugh at her drunken state. She smiled and hiccuped, planting her fingers into the table to ground herself and emphasize her words.

"You are a cool fuckin dude, you know that?" She said, "I don't care what the fuck you do, you are a cool dude," she said sternly as if I were disagreeing with her, then she pointed at me, "and don't ever let any shmuck tell you different, 'cus I'll beat the fuck out of them, I'll do it!" She threatened adorably.

I nodded, "why thank you, dear!" I chuckled, "I've never had another person call me "dude" before, so that is are not too bad yourself, sheba," I complimented her and lowered my eyelids flirtatiously.

Despite my growing feelings for her, I am only teasing. I've been teasing her all night, just trying to get that cute blush to cover her face for me.

However, her face is now permanently blushy due to the alcohol in her system.

At my advance, she lowered her own eyelids, leaning forward on her elbows and pressing her cleavage together. I felt dirty for looking, but it's not like she knows the difference right now and plus...

How the hell could I not look? They're right there! It was only a second before I swallowed hard and looked back up to her eyes.

The alcohol must really be setting in, because this is the first time she's returned my flirt.

"You think so?" She purred, her pupils so large I could hardly see the green in her eyes. Suddenly she slipped out of her booth. I nearly rushed to her, but she surprisingly didn't fall as she teetered over to my side and basically flopped in next to me.

My heart started beating faster as I calculated this situation. She seems to be too incapacitated to realize I'm only playing with her, and has fully accepted my apparent invitation.

And now her fingers are on my chest, oh my god.

My breath nearly stuttered as heat rose to my cheeks, my eyes on her as she used me to support her body and walked her fingers up my chest.

Time Warp (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now