Fairy AU!

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A friend of mine on here suggested I draw Al and Fawn as fairies, and I thought that was cute so I did it.

And of course, me being myself I just couldn't resist coming up with fairy lore.

Jinx_blackmoon had this idea first! I actually like this cute little side AU so much I'm taking a break from the original story to give you all something fresh and playful.


In this story, Fawn is a fairy in the "Forest of Light" which is really just a colony up in the treetops where there's a lot of sunlight. Al is a fairy in the Forest of Darkness, which is at the forest floor where not a lot of light reaches. Both of these are contained within the Enchanted Forest that has many other creatures aside from fairies. Fawn grew tired of her simple life up in the perfect colony of "Light Drinkers" as the Shadow City calls them, and ventures down into the Forest of Darkness.

She was always told growing up that she wasn't allowed in that area...and for very good reason. It's dangerous at the forest floor because that's where all of the other creatures such as goblins and trolls and nymphs reside. It's also where Alastor resides... "The Plague" as the Light Drinkers have so affectionately named him.

Many of their people have tried to go down there and negotiate peace between the colonies, but they either come back missing pieces, or they don't come back at all. Those who survived go mad, and seem to have "darkness in their soul" left over from the encounter with The Plague.

When Fawn ventures down there, she has a relatively calm experience...until she goes into the shadowy part, fully covered in darkness. It's there she meets him. This young woman was a first for Alastor, he was used to older fairies invading his colony to try and strike a deal with him...only to break it two seconds later.

Why do you think they always left without their limbs or their lives?

Fawn is a very playful and innocent fairy, he came to find. His original plan was to eat her, but he couldn't hardly catch her! She was fast, and giggling the whole time as if they were playing tag...and, well, to her they were.

Finally, he manages to make a deal with her. If she's going to play games, he figures he will as well!

"You come play with me every day, and when I catch you, I get to eat you...deal?"

Fawn agrees! My, what a dumb little fairy, he thought. However, he never would be able to catch her, and she knew this. She simply enjoyed the company of this fairy whom she has affectionately chosen to call "Bug" because of his wasp-like wings. Plus, who can turn down a free game of tag every single day! Certainly not her.

That is...until she flies down from the canopy one day as she did every day, looking very sad and rather beat up. Alastor thinks nothing of this initially, taunting her as he normally would, but when she doesn't reciprocate his banter he begins to feel something is off with his plaything.

Then, he knows something is wrong when the tiny woman curls up on the forest floor, simply waiting for him to come and get her.

"I- I'm going to catch you if you lay there..."

But he received no response from her, her wings lowered on her back and ears pointed downward.

And that was the day he finally won their game.

She let him catch her.

So, let's start there, shall we?

Narrator POV

Alastor sat idly on a leaf, laying back with a twig in his hand, carving it into something random.

Looking up, he shielded his eyes slightly and squinted as he tried to map what time of day it was.

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