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Made this for a friend on here as a little thank you present.

Fawn's POV

My back hit the floor hard, and knocked the wind out of me.

Both of my arms were wrapped tightly around my baby, heart pounding in my throat.

I don't have the words to describe the terror that I'm feeling right now, all around me I can hear voices whispering.

Low murmurs hummed against my eardrums, not a single one of them saying anything coherent. I could feel Juliette shaking in my arms, whimpering softly.

All the noise was disorienting me, making me feel sick almost. I had to squeeze my eyes shut, just praying that they would stop, god, please just make it stop.

Gaining a bit of courage, I managed to scramble to my feet and rush forward. My eyes were still closed, but I managed to find the door and shifted Julie to one arm as I pounded on it with my fist, trying the handle.

The handle wouldn't even budge.


If he's still in the cellar there's no chance he heard me.

The voices were getting louder, and it felt like something was creeping up on me, the skin on my back prickling like there was a presence right there.

And then everything stopped.

The bizarre, sudden silence caused a high pitched ringing to scream in my ears.

Sweat was coating my neck and back, my hands shaking terribly. Each breath I took came as a stutter, my lungs having trouble expanding

Where it just felt like there were 100 people in the room with me a second ago, it now feels like we are completely alone.

Yet, I feel absolutely no safer.

Those voices didn't sound mean, and I didn't feel like they wanted to hurt me. But it did feel like they all wanted me to do something for them, help them, free them, something...I felt anxious, and small.

Now I just feel exposed...almost like they had been a blanket.

Like I'd been trapped within a fidgety school of fish, only for them to be scared away by something, leaving me all alone to face whatever predator had frightened them away.

My back was hunched as I gulped in deep breaths, trying to still my hammering heart. Julie was whimpering and clinging to me tightly.

"Mama..." she cried softly, like she thought I was going to leave her here all alone.

I kissed the top of her head and hushed her softly, bouncing her gently.

"You're're ok, mommy's got you, and we're alright..." I murmured, finally managing to calm myself enough to slowly turn and face the room.

For the first time, I was seeing what was on the other side of the door. Alastor comes in here at least once a week, but never for long, and he has never missed a week.


The rule about me not being allowed in it stayed firm, and transferred over to Julie as well. Neither us of were allowed inside, and we were told to steer clear of it as much as we could.

It looked office, almost. Except, it also looked like mamas spell room, a little bit...

There was an altar in front of me, unlit candles around it, and a large bowl set in the center.

Carefully, I stepped closer to it, and my eyes widened when there was a knife on the table. Quickly I stepped back, and did a full circle, spinning around and getting a good look at everything around me...

Time Warp (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now