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I almost missed mermay. Here's mermaid Fawn, and don't'll get merman Al, too🤭

Fawn's POV

I have been feeling seriously weird lately.

My brain feels like it's all over the place, I keep having hot spells, and I am craving the weirdest shit.

However, I didn't really think much of it. This happens to me sometimes, when my body doesn't have its period, it produces an unnecessary amount of hormones to make up for the ones I would've received during a normal cycle.

The explanation the doctor gave me was much smarter than that, but I am not a doctor, nor did I pass biology.

So, this is not an oddity to me.

Alastor, however, has been very confused with me. He's already expressed his concern, asking me if I was alright every two seconds last week.

Even after I explained to him what was most likely going on, he kept a very close eye on me.

I guess I don't mind, but I also don't want him worrying over nothing, so I've been trying to conceal my "strange" behavior as much as I can.

That's been going alright...except, today I feel awful. My head has been pounding since I woke up, and my lower back is killing me.

So much so, that I had to escape from doing chores with Niffty just to stand in the break room and try not to cry.

I drew in another deep breath, holding one hand against my hip close to my tailbone. Another dull ache throbbed through my skull, and I winced.

Suddenly, the door to the break room opened up, letting in a sliver of light that I immediately shielded my eyes from.

Followed by the lights flipping on, to which I kept my palm over my eyes and grimaced in pain.

"Fawn, what on earth are you doing, we have so much work— hey, are you alright...?"

Niffty's loud tone became a bit softer, and I slowly removed my hand from my eyes. I was shaking a bit, and I just nodded slowly.

"M'fine, Niff..." I mumbled, giving her a weak smile.

She gave me a skeptical look, her brows furrowed slightly.

"Are you sure...? I can go get Al, if—"

"No!" I interrupted her, and then cleared my throat, "n-no, please, he's busy a-and I don't want him worrying about me, please just...I'm alright," I finished, forcing myself to perk up slightly, "now let's get back to cleaning...those bathrooms won't..."

At the word bathroom my smile slowly faded and a sudden and very strong wave of nausea hit me.

My hand went over my mouth quickly and I sprinted past Niffty and out of the break room.

The amount of times I nearly fell on the way to the bathrooms was ridiculous. My feet were moving so fast, my body could hardly keep up.

It was a miracle I made it in time, my knees hitting the cold tile floor before vile forced its way up my throat and into the porcelain toilet bowl.

With each retch, my throat burned horribly. I was confused, tears running down my face while I thought to myself...what could I have eaten that made me so sick? I haven't had breakfast...Al offered, but I told him I wasn't hungry.

In reality, the mere thought of eating the eggs he prepared made me want to puke. A lot of the foods I normally would eat have been so repulsive to me lately.

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