Ch 28

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"You wanna shake my hand, sugar~?"

Fawnlastor — I apologize, I didn't mean to make her so damn sexy, but hey, with Alastor's personality comes a fair amount of sex appeal.

Alastor's POV

A muffled noise caused me to stir from my sleep. I sighed tiredly, blinking my eyes open slowly.

The distant cries have become a constant in my house as of late. I may have been able to sway her fears on the surface, but it seems her brain is still plaguing her with guilt while she sleeps.

For the past few nights I've been woken up by whimpering and crying, but I didn't want to startle her, so normally I just wait for it to stop.

My eyes fell shut again as I prepared to tune her out and go back to sleep, but then an ear splitting scream tore through the house and my eyes shot wide open.

I was out of bed before my brain could even process what happened, my legs carrying me to her room quickly before I threw the door open and rushed to her side.

Her sobs were loud, and she was arched off the bed as if she were trying desperately to get away from something. My lips were set into a soft frown before I furrowed my eyebrows and gently took her by the shoulders.

"Fawn..." I said softly, but she was still thrashing. Her ragged breathing and whimpers grew more distressed, and I shook her lightly, "Fawn!" I said a bit louder, successfully waking her.

Her eyes opened up and rounded out, then they found me bent over her bedside. She didn't even hesitate before she shot up and wrapped her arms around me, pressing her damp face into my neck to hide from whatever monsters are haunting her mind.

I laid my hands against her back and rubbed her gently, "are you alright?" I asked her, my voice sounding a bit tired.

"Yes..." she mumbled against my skin, then she took a deep breath and pulled away from the hug, sniffling before she wiped her face off, "I'm sorry I woke you up..." she said, looking off to the side.

I took a seat at the edge of her bed, but her chin stayed close to her chest, her eyes on her hands.

She's embarrassed, but it's not her fault.

Reaching forward, I gently slid my fingers under her chin and pulled her head up. Her glassy eyes met mine and her lips formed a soft pout.

"You've nothing to be sorry for, cher," I said with a small shake of my head, "it isn't your fault..."

She observed me for a moment, her long lashes stuck together from tears. Tracing my fingers up her cheek, I cupped the side of her face and wiped my thumb over her eye, forcing her to close it while I swiped the water away.

"The only thing that upsets me is all these tears," I said with a playful note in my voice, although I really do dislike the tears, "they don't suit your pretty face," I finished with a smile.

A blush dusted her nose and the tiniest smile tugged at her lips. I wiped away the tears on the other side before pushing her hair back away from her face.

Her bangs were fluffy and the wavy strands of blonde hair were curling up every which way. It was truly adorable.

Really, I was beginning to feel worried about her. I've noticed she has dark circles developing under her eyes, probably from a lack of proper sleep.

The only time it seemed she slept peacefully was whenever she was in my bed, and even then she had a nightmare. She only slept soundly after...

After I laid with her...

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