Ch 35

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I think this is my favorite thing I've ever drawn. Idk what it is ab it, I just like it.

Height: 5'
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: black or deep, deep brown.
Scent: coffee, warm musk, and that specific scent that happens after it rains really hard (this fragrance comes from her hair)

Tilly is a waitress at LeBlanc's Diner. You could compare her attitude to that of Niffty, but she doesn't speak as quickly and is just slightly less energetic. She's more mellow in her mannerism, brought by the charm of being a people person.

She's a bit of a golden retriever in her ways of interacting, very friendly and quick to get along with others. Tilly is here to help anyone she can, and enjoys doing it, too! The statement 'heart of gold' holds a grain of salt to miss Tilly, truly she gives Charlie a run for her money when it comes to her kindness and understanding.

Her relationships with those around her are almost always positive, the only exception being is if she sees another person bullying someone (then she might get a little nasty.)

An angel at heart, her soul is white as snow.

Everyone say hi to our friendly waitress, Tilly!

Alastor's POV

I wore a smug smile as I walked into the studio. Oh that look on her face, so precious...

So pretty...

My stomach was buzzing after that small interaction. I watched it over and over in my head, burning her surprised features into my mind.

It makes me want to kiss her in other places to see what reaction I might get.

What if I kiss her cheek? Or her nose?

Her neck...?

Unlocking my office door, I slipped in soundlessly and shut it behind me. Her lips passed through my head...plump and soft looking...

I wonder if she'd let me kiss her lips...just to see what they feel like against mine.

My hand went up to my chest as my heart began to beat faster and faster. Just the thought of kissing her lips makes me feel...strange.

Such an intimate thing...something I've never felt inclined to share with anyone before, but here I am, imagining her connected with me in such a way.

I want to believe it's just because of curiosity...but this warmth fluttering around my stomach is saying otherwise...

Sighing, I grabbed today's reports off my desk and sifted through them.

Same old, same old...

No new murders to report on, unfortunately...I'll have to change that.

The soft smile on my face grew into something wicked as I continued looking through the reports, organizing them properly.


My gaze shifted towards the little blur of red skittering towards me. Niffty stopped just beside me, smiling as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

"Good morning! Here's your coffee," she sat a mug of black coffee up on my desk, "and I see you already found your reports...tomorrows reports are still being written, so they might be a little late today. Hey, where's Fawn?"

At the mention of the blonde woman that is ruling my thoughts, I blushed slightly. I still don't understand why she brings such a reaction out of me.

I shrugged, "she's doing her own thing, today...she should be by later today and you can see her then," I said casually, sitting back in my chair.

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