Chapter 1: Escape (Tommy's POV)

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Tommy stood in complete shock. Dream had blown it ALL up. His temporary home had been smashed to bits.

"Stay here while I go to the nether, Tommy!" Dream said cheerfully as if nothing had happened.

Dream was a tall man with blond hair and a green hoodie on. His face was shielded by a white mask with a smiley face on it. No one knew how he looked without that slightly eerie mask on. Sometimes, Tommy wondered how Dream could even SEE with the mask on. Usually, when he asked about it Dream looked straight into his eyes for a solid minute and then turns around and walks away, much like what he was doing now.

"But-but why!" Tommy choked out with his left arm raised toward Dream as if he were trying to reach him. 

"It's a punishment," he replied, "and if you aren't here when I'm back, you'll get a much worse one." 

Dream pulled out his netherite sword and pointed it an inch away from under Tommy's chin.

"Understood?" he said menacingly.

Tommy hastily nodded as Dream disappeared through the nether portal. Tommy looked at the small bits and pieces of his broken home. He couldn't believe Dream would do something like that. 

"It's all you're fault," a small voice whispered from the back of his head, "Your such a bad friend that you can't even REMEMBER what you did wrong."

Tommy couldn't help but privately agree. He WAS a bad friend. What kind of friend pushes another to the point where they have to blow up their home. This kind of thing even happened with Tub-


With him. He chose the country that Tommy co-founded over Tommy himself! Tommy must have been a terrible friend to deserve that. 


(This part displays suicidal thoughts and an attempt to do so. Please read responsibly. I will put "WARNING!!!" at the beginning and end of each of these scenes)

"You don't deserve to JUST be exiled," the same small voice, "you deserve to die!"

Tommy stood quietly for a moment. He was a bad friend sure, but he didn't deserve to die...... did he?

"You do," The voice replied, reading his mind, "do it!"

"I DON'T WANT TO!" Tommy cried out loud, screwing up his eyes and covering his ears as if it would mute the voice.

Now there were many louder voices, all chanting variations of the same thing.

"Kill yourself!"

"You don't deserve life!"

"Everyone hates you!"

"No one will care!"

"It's all your fault!"

Tommy was now on the verge of tears. He wanted them to stop. He wanted them to be quiet...

No matter what it took.

His eyes found a particularly jagged piece of wood. He smiled through his thick tears. He checked if was solid. It was. He held it up, preparing to plunge it deep into his heart just when he heard a voice louder than all the others. 


(The suicidal parts are finished)

This voice was different from the others. It was........ familiar.

"Please don't do it brother"

Brother. The word ringed in his ears uncomfortably... Until he found out why. 

"Wilbur?" Tommy murmured hopelessly, knowing that the only Wilbur left was Ghostbur.

"The one and only!"

"But how are you alive?!" Tommy exclaimed out loud.

"Run away from Dream"

"What?" Tommy faintly muttered.

"Run, escape. He was never your friend. You must go."

"But where will I go?" Tommy asked.

"Go to our brother."

And with that, Tommy could hear his dead brother's voice no longer. He called for Wilber's voice for a few minutes, craving the warmth it provided. There was no answer. Nonetheless, he began to pack what was left of the very few items he possessed hastily and ran away. After running for a while, it became dark and he realized he didn't know where to go. But then the memory of Wilbur broke through his mind.

"Go to our brother"

He obeyed as he made sure he was going the right way. He wouldn't need a map or a guide, only a compass with the words, "Your Tubbo," etched onto it.

Little did he know, the young boy who the compass was pointing to was looking down at an identical compass with the words, "Your Tommy," etched onto it.

"I'll find you," both of the boys said simultaneously, "I swear it." 

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