Chapter 34: 10 Rooms (Dream's POV)

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The plan had worked flawlessly! Honestly, Dream had thought that the three would put up more of a fight, but it seemed he overestimated them. Their plan was so easy to figure out! Then again, it was only expected since they had such a limited amount of time to make one. Dream could hardly believe that they even split up. That had to be the biggest reason their plan fell apart.

Techno was taken out with the same sleeping potion as Wilbur. They both didn't have a breathing mask. Techno could've gone inside the house, but that would leave Wilbur in great danger and reveal that the door to the house was unlocked. He did try to fight against Dream, but his moves were sluggish, slow, and easy to predict. Even with all that, Techno was too good of a fighter. He managed to slice off some of Dream's mask before passing out. Due to the soft snow, it was hard for Wilbur to hear anything, so he didn't come to Techno's aid. Everything went in Dream's favor.

Dream carried the young blonde boy to an open field. There laid a small cabin with flowers surrounding it. Dream XD gave him the marvelous idea of using it. Dream wasn't sure how long the cabin had been there, but it looked extremely old. XD said he made it in the name of a young boy from another SMP. It seemed like a touchy topic, so Dream never asked him about it.

Dream entered the shabby house, still carrying Tommy in his arms. He went straight to the living room where he lifted up the largest coach, just as Dream XD instructed him to do. there was a large hole beneath it and a button right next to it. Dream pressed the button and waited for a few moments. Soon, a clean, modern elevator popped up through the hole. Once Dream went inside (yes he's still carrying Tommy), he saw there were 10 buttons. Each was numbered from 1 to 10. Dream did as he was advised and pressed the last button. 

Dream entered the tenth floor. It was deep underground. The floor was made of bedrock, as expected. It was a room full of 10 jail cells, 5 on one side of the room and the rest on the other. Each cell was made of bedrock. They all had two small rooms and a camera in the biggest room out of the two. That meant there were 10 cameras in that room. One of the two rooms in each cell was the main room with a small, but comfortable bed and the other was a small walled-up room in the corner which was the bathroom. Dream wasn't that bad to not give a BATHROOM. Everyone needs a bathroom. 

He carefully carried Tommy to the first cell and unlocked it with the key that Dream XD gifted to him. He left Tommy on the bed and tucked him in before taking the boy's comms. Dream then left the cell and locked it. 

"I'll be back," he told the still unconscious Tommy.

And with that, he turned around and walked to the elevator. He pressed the button next to a gaping hole on the wall where the elevator should've been. Whenever someone goes off of the elevator, it automatically goes back to the first room.

After a few minutes, the elevator was on the tenth floor again, and Dream was able to enter it. He immediately pressed on the button that went to the first room. He stepped into the first room and, just as XD had said, it had a large monitor inside. On the monitor were multiple screens that showed each room from a camera's view. Dream decided to examine each room on the monitor before checking them himself.

The second room was what Dream guessed was a room used to practice combat. 

The third was a room covered in a summoning circle drawn in red chalk with only a little of the drawing missing. Dream knew that it had to be used to summon Dream XD because it had a large "XD" in the middle. Dream presumed that XD put that there so Dream could summon him when he needed to. 

The fourth was a large room with a huge grave in it. The grave had the name "Theseus" etched onto it. 

The fifth room was a freezer room full of food that was somehow not rotten. Then again, a god made these rooms. How impossible can it be?

The sixth room was a room with weapons on every wall. 

The seventh was a library with books on how to make every potion, weapon, and basically anything. 

The eighth was a room made to make potions and experiments. 

The ninth room was a private room to eat, sleep, and work at. It was connected to a bathroom and was right above Tommy's cell. It was where Dream was going to stay when he wasn't outside.

Dream visited each of these rooms before checking the monitor again. This time, it seemed Tommy was awake.

Hiiii, it's the author here! So first of all, yes this story will be ending soon and your Fluff is going on vacation!!! But don't worry, Uncle Angst is going to visit us while Aunty Fluff is gone! Second of all, OH MY GOD I HAVE 449 VIEWS RIGHT NOW!!! Dude just yesterday NIGHT I had 395!!! How does 395 jump to 449 in ONE NIGHT?! AHHHH!!! THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!!! 

Also, after this I'ma make another fanfic but I'm probably gonna tell you about it after this story is done and one chapter of that fic is done! btw, I don't like the idea of doing 2 fics at once cuz then u might pick favorites and there's a high chance you'll abandon one or rush to finish it, so I'm probably never gonna do that! Well anyway, byeeee!!!

-HelpMePlzI'mBeggin (April 23rd, 2022)

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