Chapter 39: A New Visitor (Tommy's POV)

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Tommy woke up on the cold floor with a sick feeling in his stomach. He already knew where he was. He didn't even have to think. They did it for him.

"You're so pathetic kid"

"You need help"

"Go get a life"

"Ahhhh stop guilt tripping meeee!!!"

Recently, the voices had been acting a bit strange. Every once in a while they would suddenly become a bit more... human before turning back to normal. That was the best way to describe it.

Tommy looked at his hand with his now lifeless grey eyes. There was dry blood on it. Tommy slowly sunk into a flashback as he remembered how it got there.

"Hello Tommy," Dream smirked as he opened the cell.

Tommy woke up with a start. Where was he? This wasn't Techno's house! Suddenly, Tommy seemed to remember everything once again. The cell, the voices, the shot- all of it. But why was Dream back? It had only been a few hours...

Tommy looked at him with fear as the hard truth hit him. His eyes were still blue then. It seemed Dream didn't like that. It seemed he wanted to change that.

"Tommy, I want you to remember that you deserve this, okay?" Dream reminded the young boy as he crouched down to his height.

"Please- please leave me alone," Tommy whimpered as he closed his eyes tightly.

"Tut, tut, tut, you know I like eye contact Tommy," Dream replied.

Tommy couldn't bring himself to open his eyes. He was too afraid to.

"Tommy. Eye contact," Dream demanded firmly.

"I- I-" Tommy stuttered, still not looking at Dream.

"EYE CONTACT, TOMMY!!!" Dream roared.

Tommy yelped as he flinched away. His eyes flew open as he and Dream's eyes stared back at eachother. Tommy saw out of the corner of his eyes a sword waiting to be used. 

"I- I'm s- sorry Dream, I- I won't ever do it again!" Tommy managed to say.

"Hmm, too late," Dream replied as he swung his sword at Tommy's good leg.

Tommy let out an ear piercing scream as the sword penetrated his skin. He hugged his legs close to his chest as Dream swung at his arm. Tommy couldn't do anything but cry and scream all the while. He couldn't utter a single word.

"Well, I guess that's enough for now," Dream said.

Tommy felt relieved that Dream had finally left him alone... or so he thought.

As Tommy examined the wounds he received, none of them being too deep gratefully, Dream unlocked the cell again and handed Tommy bandages. 

Tommy looked at Dream once before he carefully took them and started to wrap them around his wounds. Dream stayed and watched the blonde until he was done. Tommy then tried to hand it back to Dream, but he refused.

"You'll need it for later," he simply replied.

Tommy felt cold fear pool inside him at those words. He didn't want to remember this was going to happen again. Dream handed Tommy a single piece of bread and said to eat it. Tommy obeyed.

"Well, it's time you go back to sleep, isn't it?" Dream suggested.

"Wh- What?" Tommy asked fearfully as Dream took out another one of those shots.

"Pl- please, I don't w-want to," Tommy begged as Dream cornered him.

Dream injected the shot into Tommy's arm as he stepped away. At first, Tommy thought it hadn't worked. A warm hope bubbled in his chest as the thought seemed more and more believable. But soon, he realized that his chest was also getting warmer. 

It started to burn violently as what felt like fire spread through the inside of his body. Tears started to stream down Tommy's face as he screamed for help. He didn't even say any names, he only screamed, "help." That was all. That was the only word he could say in those moments.

Then he passed out and found himself in that miserable room again. 

That leads up to the present. Tommy was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of the elevator scraping down to his floor again. Tommy felt fear welling up in his chest. Was Dream back already?! But when he checked to see who was there, it wasn't Dream...

It was Drista.

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