Chapter 2: Something's Up... (Tubbo's POV)

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Tubbo looked outside his window longingly. He had been stuck in a cramped office for quite too long. Ever since he became president of l'manburg he had no time for ANYTHING else. Especially with the danger of Dream and Technoblade on, not just his, but everyone's mind. Though it seemed Technoblade was trying to get away from the SMP and live peacefully, you could never be too sure. Dream was also seemingly not a danger anymore due to Tubbo giving in to Dream's suggestion and exiling To-


No. He would not even think of that name. It was too painful to even whisper the name. He would keep his mental curtain covering all the memories he had of him. He wouldn't be able to live without that curtain. He knew that only too well.

"Hey, Tubbo!"

Suddenly, the noise of a door swinging open had broken the fragile silence that had been present only a second ago.

"Oh, hey Ranboo..." Tubbo muttered gloomily.

Ranboo was a half enderman hybrid and also, more importantly, his husband. He almost always wore a sleek, clean suit. He loved flowers and was one of his closest friends. His other...

"Thinking about Tommy again?" Ranboo said sympathetically, noticing his sad expression. 

Suddenly the curtain in Tubbo's mind had been shoved to the side. Memories flashed in front of his eyes. Tubbo and Tommy making cake. Tubbo and Tommy training together. Tubbo and Tommy laughing about something he couldn't remember. It was too much for him. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see anymore. He felt warm tears roll down his cheeks and even warmer arms wrap around him.

"It'll be ok Tubbo, it'll be okay," Ranboo said reassuringly.

"No it won't!" Tubbo yelled, "It'll never be okay because I exiled my best friend just to save his own stupid country!"

Ranboo didn't seem to have any answer to this, so instead, he hugged him as tight as he could as Tubbo screamed and cried with grief. After there were no more tears left to shed, Ranboo stayed as long as he could to keep Tubbo company. But soon, even Tubbo knew Ranboo had to go so Tubbo would be able to finish the great amount of work he had left. 

It had been a few minutes since Ranboo left, and Tubbo was feeling immensely lonely. He absentmindedly touched his large horns, feeling the rough surface brush across his fingertips. His biological father also had them. No, he wasn't talking about Philza, the man who adopted him after his first father abandoned him. No, he was talking about Schlatt, a cruel, cold, and now dead man, which was only what he deserved. When Tubbo was younger, his horns were much smaller and the general shape of them had not fully developed yet. It was hard to relate him much at all to Schlatt then, but now, with his horns grown to their fullest length, it would be surprising to anyone who didn't know him well if he wasn't related to Schlatt. 

He had always hated Schlatt.

But then again, was it only destiny that he'd follow in his footsteps? He was a president, just as Tubbo was now. Schlatt drank, Tubbo drank when he exiled Tommy and still did drink whenever he felt overwhelmed. The list could go on and on... 

And he wasn't proud of it.

Suddenly, he realized he was clutching the compass hanging from his neck tightly in his hand. He felt a jolt of surprise as he realized that the needle in the compass was now pointing in a different direction than it had in WEEKS. Something was up. 

He just knew it.

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