Chapter 19: Soft Spot (Tommy's POV)

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Tommy was back in Tubbo and Ranboo's house while Micheal was asleep. From what he had been told, yesterday he had fallen asleep while clinging to Phil (much to his embarrassment) and after that Ranboo carried him home after making sure his cloak/overly long jacket was on him firmly. His two friends didn't want to wake him up for some reason, something about Tommy never sleeping that well, and Tommy ended up sleeping the rest of that day away. His friends unfortunately only asked for a one day break. This meant Tommy was all on his own stuck in an almost empty house the next day. He couldn't leave it because he "might be spotted." That was how Tubbo said it.


There was no way Big Man Tommy would ever get caught! But... he'd rather not in the very slim chance he did. He hadn't told Tubbo or Ranboo this, but he was afraid that if he was found by one of the citizens, they would hand him over to Dream. He didn't want to be found by Dream. Dream would torture him. Dream might take away his wings.

"I wonder what he'd do to me," Tommy thought out loud dryly.

Tommy had gotten into the habit of talking to himself during exile after being almost completely isolated for so long. 

"He'll never forgive you."

Ah, the voices. Tommy hadn't been paying attention to them until just then.

"Who would forgive you?"

Tommy stayed silent. He already knew the answer.

"That's right, no one."

"You're friends will all betray you."

"There's no one out here to trust."

"We are your only frei-"

"I'm not that gullible," Tommy told the voices, "I've heard that before."

Tommy wasn't lying. Dream had said things like that before. For some reason, only when Dream said stuff like that, Tommy would listen. Tommy would believe. Maybe it was Dream's voice. Maybe it was the trauma that Tommy had experienced at the hands of the one with that voice. Well, it didn't matter, did it? He was long gone from Dream, and he wasn't planning on going back.

"You don't deserve friends like them."

"That's not for you to decide," Tommy replied.

"Oh, so you only want to hear the truth then?"

"I doubt anything you guys have to say is honest," Tommy thought smugly.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really," He thought in response.

"You're useless."

Tommy stopped in surprise. He didn't expect that.

"You can't do anything right."

"You're ugly."

"You're stupid."

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!!" Tommy yelled in his mind.

With Ranboo and Tubbo out of the house and Micheal being asleep, he couldn't seek for anyone's comfort.

"You know they're true, you're just too weak to admit it!"

A chorus of painful words filled Tommy's ears. He didn't want to hear them. In a feeble attempt to stop the voices from penetrating his mind, he cupped his ears tightly. The voices mocked him even more because of this pathetic attempt. 

Soon his legs were hugged tightly to his chest while he rested his face on his knees. He didn't have the strength to cry, so he just sat there silently, listening to all the hateful things the voices had to say.

Suddenly, he felt something touch his leg. He looked over to see Micheal. Somehow, Micheal had found his way into the living room and onto the couch. As soon as the blonde peeked to see who it was, the young zombified piglen climbed into the boy's arms. Tommy stayed frozen for a moment, processing what had just happened. In the next, he hugged Micheal like he was the only living thing left in Minecraft.

"Thanks," Tommy mumbled after he finally let go of the piglet. 

Micheal snorted as he went behind Tommy. The boy already knew what the younger was trying to do, so he didn't ask questions. The small piglenlet unbraided Tommy's hair, which was a bit over shoulder length, and rebraided it with more flowers in it. After Micheal was done, he plopped down on Tommy's lap.

"Ah, hi," Tommy uttered awkwardly.

Micheal pointed to Tommy's right hand in response. The arm was heavily bandaged, so Tommy didn't want to show it to Micheal, but the mini piglin was too adorable. Tommy moved his arm to Micheal. Micheal seemed to think it was still hurt, so he hugged it to make it feel better.  Tommy giggled a bit at the younger's actions. A  bit later, after Tommy fed him, Micheal felt sleepy again and fell asleep in Tommy's arms while they were both on the couch. Tommy was in complete peace until...

"Hurt him."

"What? I'm not doing that!" Tommy replied.

"Why not?"

Tommy didn't want to answer that question.

"He has a soft spot"

"So foolish, the boy has gone soft"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"I'm not doing it you fuckers," Tommy announced firmly.

"If that thing is making you vulnerable then eliminate it."

"No," was the last thing Tommy said before blocking out the voices as much as he could.

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