Chapter 42: The Hoodie (Dream's POV)

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Dream didn't notice that the camera had glitched out for the majority of his sister and Tommy's talk at first. He was out at the time and decided to check the footage later. Of course, he was concerned when he saw that more than half of the footage was gone. Of course, he should've checked what his sister was doing or even try to figure out if she was going to betray him... But no, he trusted his sister enough to think that she wouldn't do such a thing. 

So, as he waited for the elevator to reach Tommy's cell he didn't even try to contact Drista through his comms. He knew he didn't need to. The two knew eachother since... well, forever! She wouldn't do that and would've been hurt if she knew that Dream was thinking of the possibility that she was attempting to betray him.

Finally, the elevator reached Tommy's cell and as he walked out he saw a familiar blonde head shoot toward him covered by a... hoodie? Since when did he have a hoodie and his sisters at that?! Had he not noticed that detail when he checked the camera?! It didn't really matter though, did it? It was Drista's choice to choose, not his.

As he veered closer, he saw the blonde tense up and move closer to the corner of his cell. Dream entered it to meet Tommy's fearful, cold, eyes. And for a second, the blue eyes drifted to a bright green and his hair became a bit longer. Soon, all Dream could see was a younger version of his sister cowering away from him. 

Dream blinked again and his sister was gone. In her place was Tommy. The boy looked up at him with a mix of confusion and fear set in his eyes. Dream knew the 16 year old was probably confused about why he hadn't been attacked, why Dream just kind of stood there with a sword in hand. 

Dream left the cell and locked it, leaving the boy in a deeper confusion. As he entered the modern elevator again, his thoughts swirled around his head. He wanted his sister to be happy, he really did, but if that meant being friends with the kid he abducted... No! His sister should have the choice of whether to be friends with Tommy or not!

His mind flashed back to the boy he left floors below, snuggling into the green hoodie his sister used to wear. What could a little boy do? Sure, such a beautiful fear was carved into his eyes and slashes marked any part of his body it could, but would that stop him from trying to escape? 

Dream doubted it.

Ok, you know who this is already so no point in introductions! So, how's it going? Yes, this was technically another filler, but I wanted to show a display of Dream being a bit more human. I realized for the whole story he was a bit more monsterish than human, so I wanted to add in a chapter where he isn't just cruel the whole time. And Drista, she was the perfect opportunity so yea! btw, this chapter is one with NO dialogue whatsoever!!! Isn't that awesome? I mean in the way that you really get to see more of the character's point of view! Usually, when there's dialogue, you don't get too much of the character's thoughts or ideas so yea! Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter! (It's 1:38, oh my gosh I need to sleep-)

- HelpMePlzImBeggin (May 4th, 2022)

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