Chapter 2

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Skyheart's POV:

"From this moment on, you will be known as Skyheart!" Wildstar yowled from the top of the Hightree. The Lightclan leader smiled down at the new warriors with pride shining in his eyes.

When Skyheart reached Wildstar, who had jumped off the Hightree, the leader meowed, "I'm proud of you, Skyheart."

Skyheart touched noses with Wildstar and then went to sit next to Clearlight. They had finally become warriors. Waterpaw too, she had been named Waterfly.

All three of them were going to sit vigil. It was the middle of leaf-bare and the camp was covered in snow. "It's gonna be a long and cold night." meowed Jumpingleaf proudly giving Skyheart a lick on her forehead.

Jumpingleaf backed away when he saw Clearlight throwing daggers at him. Clearlight had grown very close to Skyheart lately and she wondered when he would ask her to be her mate.

Waterfly was licking her paw and grooming herself so she was ready for her vigil, Clearlight and Skyheart began to do the same.


It was dawn. Skyheart's body was so stiff but she wasn't allowed to move from her spot until her former mentor said so.

She gave Clearlight a nudge to get his attention. Clearlight smiled and gave Skyheart a quick lick on the shoulder. Skyheart looked at Waterfly. The blue-grey she cat seemed frozen to the spot. Her eyes didn't move she was barely breathing. It had been very cold during the night.

Treefern padded up to the entrance. He stopped and dipped his head in respect to Skyheart and her friends and then he continued walking out.

The warriors den rustled and Jumpingleaf, Sparklingfish and Greenstare, walked out. Jumpingleaf spoke: "You are now proper warriors. It is time you all went on patrol."


Skyheart padded through the forest toward the Monsterclan border. Her mind was wandering. She wondered if Monsterclan would try to steal territory again. They had already taken three tail-lengths only a couple of moons ago.

Lightclan had no powers. They were being pushed closer and closer back from their territory.

Skyheart wondered, What happens when we get driven out completely?

"We are at the Monsterclan border." Meowed Clearlight.

Waterfly crept forwards and looked out over the border into Monsterclan territory. There were no cats. But never get fooled by their sneaking skills, Skyheart wanted to say.

Luckily, their patrol went smoothly and they encountered no one. They returned to camp with jawfuls of prey.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now