Chapter 8

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Clearlight's POV:

"Starclan honours your skills and swift thinking. I now name you Roundclaw!" Jumpingstar bent over to lick the top of Roundclaw's head and the newly made warrior licked Jumpingstar's shoulder in return. Whitetail, Darkfur, Bluestorm and Stormwhisker sat next to Roundclaw as he went to sit down next to the empty medicine den.


"Let's go. We don't want to run into any Monsterclan patrols because we have no medicine cat." meowed Robinlake.

"Shh!" whispered Bigstep, "They can't know anything." His brown tabby fur ruffled by the wind.

Robinlake just muttered under his breath. There was rustling in a bush over the other side of the border. Clearlight didn't hear it but Waterfly did. "Monsterclan!" she yowled a warning.

"Thank you for telling us your weakness you little squirrels!" and then they vanished.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now