Chapter 11

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Skyheart's PO.V:

"Thank you all again for your help. We are forever in your dept." Jumpingstar meowed from the High-tree, a thankful smile on his lips.

The Magiclan cats turned their heads away or looked at their paws, embarrassment flowing off every one of them. Except for Leafstar. She held her head high, proud and strong with only a couple a scratches on her. Magiclan had given Lightclan some extra herbs and had helped and put cobwebs on every cat. Skyheart couldn't believe how kind Leafstar was being.

Just as she got lost in thoughts, Skyheart felt a pair of eyes bore into her back. She looked up to see Rabbitclaw glaring in hatred, a burning fire in his green eyes. Wow, someone isn't very happy...

Jumpingstar meowed, "We will pay our dept today by giving Magiclan seven full fox-lengths of territory. We will re-scent the borders tomorrow." He dipped his head to Leafstar and she returned it with a nod. 

Magiclan formed a tight group and padded out of the entrance tunnel.


Greenstare's P.O.V:

Greenstare lunged for Tigerstar. He side-stepped but Greenstare was ready. She hooked her claws around Tigerstar's paw and he staggered. Greenstare started clawing his side and shoulders. He swiped at her and she received a hard blow to her head. She fell over and almost immediately, Tigerstar was on top of her, raking his claws down her exposed belly. Pain seized her and Greenstare tried desperately to push Tigerstar off her. 

At last, Tigerstar released his death grip on her and let Greenstare stagger to her paws and limp back to where Ghostkiller was sitting. "Decent enough... I know name you: Monsterclaw." Tigerstar announced, voice rough.  

At last, I have my Dark Forest warrior name! Monsterclaw screamed in her head.


Clearlight's P.O.V:

Clearlight padded out of camp, next to Skyheart. They had decided to go on a short hunt together and to talk about the prophecy.  

Skyheart mewed "How do I become the leader of Lightclan? What if Jumpingstar never chooses me or I become too old to become deputy like Robinlake?" 

"Stop worrying! It's going to be fine." Clearlight reasurred Skyheart with a lick on her cheek.

Skyheart purred and Clearlight purred in return, their pelts brushing.

Every thing will be fine.

It was getting dark so Clearlight suggested they sleep outside. They settled down next to each other and fell into a deep sleep. 

Clearlight woke up in a starry forest. "Am I in Starclan? Am I DEAD?" 

As if the cat read his mind, she stepped out of a bush saying: "No, your not dead. Yes, you are in Starclan. I'm Lightstar. The first Lightclan leader.' 

Clearlight gasped and dipped his head in respect. "Lightstar!" 

"I have a prophecy for you: The clear light on the water will fly with the sky and save the light from the dark stare and monster's claw You must find out the meaning with Skyheart and one other cat. The three of you will save the clans."

"H-How?" Clearlight was lost for words. 

"You will find out soon enough..." meowed Lightstar slowly before she faded into nothing.


Monsterclaw's P.O.V:

Monsterclaw padded into camp. "Lightclan! I have chosen to leave!" She yowled suddenly. All the cats stared at her. She noticed that Skyheart and Clearlight were not there. Gr! I need them here! Monsterclaw thought. Ghostkiller stopped just behind her and growled at the cats.

Jumpingstar leapt down from his den on the tree and demanded. "Why?"

She taunted. "I am bored of these puny cats!"

Jumpingstar growled slightly then swept his tail on the ground. "Go then! but don't come mewling back if you change your mind" he warned in a snarl.

"By the way, my name is now Monsterclaw." She meowed proudly, "I'm better than you!"

"So, Greenstare is no more? Have you been possesed by an evil monster?" Asked Jumpingstar, sympathy creeping into his voice.

"Correct!" Monsterclaw grinned like a maniac and vanished into a bush, as did Ghostkiller.


Clearlight's P.O.V:

"Wow.." he murmured. Skyheart stirred beside him, a puzzled look on her face.

"-I had a-a dream..." she stammered.

"About what?" asked Clearlight as he grew curious.

"Fishstar, the second leader of Lightclan came to me and told me that two other cats and me will join together and save the clans. Um, he told me a prophecy... The clear light on the water will fly with the sky and save the light from the dark stare and monster's claw. I was told that you and another cat will save the clans. But, who is the other cat?"

"I had that dream too! Except, it was Lightstar, the first leader of Lightclan."

Skyheart sat down and tipped her head to one side as if thinking. "I've got it! The clear light. That's you. On the water will fly. Maybe a cat with the name water-something...? With the sky. Me. And save the light. Save Lightclan. And...." she paused. "That's all I can think of.."

Clearlight thought about it for a while. Water... Water... "I know! The water is Waterfly. That's where fly comes from!"

Skyheart smiled and nuzzled close to Clearlight. He breathed in her sweet scent and calmed down completely. Forgetting everything that troubled him.

As she got up he jerked and nearly fell over. "You crazy furball!" she Mewed. "You can't even sit up with out me!"

"Hey!" Clearlight lunged for Skyheart and they began a mock fight together. Suddenly, Clearlight felt like an apprentice again. With nothing to worry about. Only if he was good enough to become a warrior.


Skyheart's P.O.V:

"Alright alright. You win!" Clearlight had pinned Skyheart down and was now tickling her.

"Not until you admit that I'm a great warrior!" Skyheart tried to wriggle out of Clearlight's grip but failed.

"Ok!" she hiffed. "Clearlight, your the best warrior ever." she sighed. "Even better than me." Clearlight released her and stood up.

"Let's go" he meowed. Skyheart got up and a scent hit her nose. Catmint!

"Clearlight! I found catmint!"

He pricked his ears "Really?"

"Yes! Over here!" she padded over to a bramble bush. She looked inside and saw the precious herbs of catmint. She tried to get into the bush without any scratches but when she came out, she had many cuts and thorns stuck in her pelt.

"Oh well, we'll get them clean back at camp" He stared at Skyheart's ruffled pelt. He leaned against her and helped her to the camp.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now