Chapter 27

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Skyheart's POV:

"Welcome to Starclan." Wildstar smiled as he appeared before her. Many more cats gathered behind him with bright, sparkling pelts. Skyheart spotted all the cats she knew and loved. Wildstar, Fluffytail, Coloureyes, Robinlake, Loveheart, Sparklingfish, Raindrop, Bluekit, Clearkit and Jumpingstar.

Skyheart looked at Jumpingstar. "You're here." She smiled.

"I am." Her past mentor smiled warmly, dipping his head. "And just in time to give you your lives."

Robinlake padded over to Skyheart. "With this life I give you the gift of courage. To be able to defend your clan even at its darkest hour."

Then Loveheart stepped from the ranks of Starclan. "With This life I give you the gift of justice. Judge your clan mates fairly and equally." She backed away and another cat took her place.

Now Fluffytail stood in front of Skyheart. Oh how Skyheart missed all these cats. Her heart ached at the sight of them, but she was also filled with joy that they were happy and safe in Starclan. "With this life I give you the gift of loyalty. Let it guide you even past the warrior code."

Bluekit, Skyeart's long dead sister padded up to Skyheart and reached up with a paw to touch the white she cat's nose. "With this life I give you the gift of tireless energy. Even when you know death is near, never stop believing in yourself and your clan." Skyheart purred, ignoring the searing pain of the new life. Bluekit was so tiny, yet also the same age as her. If only she had escaped successfully with Skyheart.

Raindrop, Skyheart's mother, came next. "With this life I give you the desire to protect your clan mates the same way a mother would protect her kits till her last breath." Skyheart smiled, remembering how her mother had fought her father to her last breath to protect Skyheart and her dead siblings.

A cat Skyeart didn't know stepped forwards "My name is Yellowpaw. I died the day before you arrived in Lightclan. With this life I give you the gift of mentoring."

Next, Sparklingfish touched Skyheart's nose. "With this life I give you the gift of compassion for those cats weaker than you."

Coloureyes came next, his face nonchalant; showing no signs of emotion. "With this life I give you love." He stepped away, dipping his head to her.

Finally Jumpingstar padded stiffly towards Skyheart, not yet fully restored to his once jumpy self. "With this life I give you nobility, certainty and faith. Never give up on your clan or yourself and may you lead an exciting nine lives." He stepped back and started chanting her new name.

"Skystar! Skystar! Skystar!" All the Starclan cats before her chanted her name joyfully. Skystar smiled and purred just as she woke up.


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