Chapter 12

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Skyheart's POV:

The scratches stung as Skyheart padded into camp. Her white fur stained with blood.

She saw Robinlake limp up to them. His bad shoulder was not getting any better. "What happened?!"

Fallowstream joined him with Sparklingfish and Loveheart. "Looks like you jumped into a bramble bush!"

"Thats what she did!!" Clearlight purred. He was trying not to giggle. Waves of embarrassment flooded off Skyheart.

"Clearlight..." she whispered with a glare at the grey tom.

Clearlight understood and took Skyheart to the medicine den. "Hello!" meowed Waterfly. She was helping in the medicine den. "Skyheart! What happened!?"

"Its a long story..." Skyheart told her.

"I'll get some cobwebs."

Skyheart put down the catmint by Waterfly's paws. "Here, I found some catmint when I was in that bramble bush."

Waterfly gratefully picked up the catnip and put it in the supplies of herbs in a small cave at the back of the den.

Clearlight stood up abruptly and said to Waterfly, "We need to talk!"

"Uh, O-ok..." Waterfly shrugged with narrowed eyes.


Waterfly's P.O.V:

What if I did something wrong? She silently thought.

As she followed Clearlight and Skyheart she wondered why they had to talk.

"Waterfly, you are one of the three cats that are going to save the clans!" squealed Clearlight joyfully.

Skyheart continued, "We had a dream, telling us that we had to find you."

"To tell you your one of the three!" Clearlight squealed again. Skyheart shot Clearlight a glare.

Waterfly was confused. One of the three? Save the clans? She tilted her head to the side. "What?"

Skyheart sighed. "Let me explain. A little while ago, I had a dream. It said: Sky will lead lightly. There will be a great battle and sky will die. I told Clearlight and we worked out that I will lead Lightclan but die after a great battle. We both just had another dream. Another prophecy: The clear light on the water will fly with the sky and save the light from the dark stare and monster's claw. We worked out that the clear light is Clearlight." She flicked her tail at the grey tom. "The water is you. The dark stare... I don't really know the rest..." She lowered her head in embarrassment.

Waterfly padded up to her. "Now I understand. thanks"

Clearlight meowed his thanks and headed back to camp with Skyheart. Waterfly stayed behind.

She decided to go on a hunt. Being stuck helping in the medicine den was tiring and she missed hunting.


Clearlight's P.O.V:

"Hello!" Meowed Robinlake. He limped up to Clearlight and Skyheart.

"Are you ok?" asked Clearlight wearily. He had noticed Robinlake's limp was getting worse.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired." Robinlake flicked his tail dismissively.

Clearlight wasn't too sure. He knew Robinlake was old and was more than ready to join the elders den. Skyheart leaned against him and they plodded to the warriors den to rest.

"Fallowstream! Take Clearlight, Bigstep and Slowsky on a hunting patrol please." Grunted Robinlake.

"I've got to go, Skyheart." he reluctantly left Skyheart's side and padded toward the patrol.

"You have to get used to not being around Skyheart, Clearlight." Fallowstream meowed. Bigstep and Slowsky chuckled and tried to hold back purrs of laughter.

"Hey!" He swiped at Fallowstream with a sheathed paw.
Bigstep became serious. "It's true. Every time I see you, your with Skyheart!"

"Well, yeah, she's my mate!"

"And Slowsky is MY mate! Do you see me running after all the time? No!" hissed Bigstep.

Slowsky padded up to Bigstep. "Leave it."

Bigstep refused. "Get closer to ALL you clan mates please! Or are you still loyal to the bunch of rabbits you call Magiclan?" he turned away and stalked out of the Lightclan entrance.

"Bigstep!" yowled Slowsky as she followed him more slowly.

Fallowstream got up and waved her tail. "Lets go" she meowed.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now