Chapter 24

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Clearlight's POV:

"Lets get back to camp." Clearlight sighed as he spotted Roundclaw coming back with three squirrels and a vole. Stormwhisker had one rabbit and two mice. Clearlight had three mice and a bird.

Suddenly a yowl came from the Monsterclan border. Skyheart's Patrol! He dropped his prey and ran towards the border. "Come on!" He called to his clan mates.

As they neared the border, the strong scent of blood engulfed them and Clearlight saw three Monsterclan cats attacking the patrol. He yowled an alarm and lunged at the nearest cat. The tom snarled and shook him off. Clearlight fought the urge to use his powers- they still weren't perfected. Instead he darted to one side and clawed at the Monsterclan warrior's pelt, his eyes narrowed to slits. Soon Roundclaw came to assist him and the tom was beaten back onto Monsterclan's side of the border.


Waterfly's P.O.V:

"Finished!" Came a cheerful voice behind Waterfly, she turned around and saw Fernkit drop a huge bundle of cobwebs by her paws.

Waterfly giggled softly and picked up the cobwebs. "Thank you Fernkit." She meowed when the cobwebs were carefully stored away and she was standing in front of the little kit. "You did a good job. Now off you go." She nudged the tom away, looking up as the sharp smell of blood reached her nose.

Waterfly darted out of her den to see Skyheart's border patrol and Clearlight's hunting patrol slowly limp into camp, blood pouring from deep wounds on their bodies.

"What happened?" Waterfly demanded as she helped Darkfur and Fluffypaw to the den. The two could barely stand and she placed them in spare nests, immediately tending to their wounds. The rest of the patrol filed in behind her, small mews of discomfort leaving their lips.

"We ran into a Monsterclan patrol." Skyheart huffed, collapsing on her side and panting as blood dripped from her stomach wound. "But I mauled one of them to death with a wave of thorns." A slight grin reached the she cat's lips.

Waterfly sighed and turned to her herb supply. "I'll get you all treated soon, just sit tight."


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now