Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Roundclaw's P.O.V:

A white she cat cried out in pain inside the nursery as her kits came. Her blue eyes were filled with terror and her mate paced the entrance to the nursery worriedly.

Roundclaw watched the white she cat closely and lovingly. She could not see him, no one could.

A kit tumbled onto the moss and the medicine cat nipped the egg sack.

Another kit came out closely followed by another and another. 3 more kits tumbled out after that and Roundclaw gazed at the last kit, the seventh and youngest kit with Grey fur and big round eyes. His eyes were very big and that's how he got his name: Roundkit.

Roundclaw smiled at Roundkit, the younger version of him. He has traveled back to watch his birth. He had been watching many of his memories: training, his first battle, his mother and father.. But this one was his favourite and he would always remember it.

The vision faded and Roundclaw blinked his eyes open and found himself back in the present, sitting in the shadows at the edges of camp as sun-high slowly approached.


Clearlight's P.O.V:

"Snowpetal! Oh thank Starclan!! Please help me!!" meowed Clearlight as his urgently sturggles in the hairless cat's grip.

His so-called mate shook her head and grinned evilly "Sorry Clearlight" she took a pace towards the silver tom and licked his cheek "But I'm in love with someone else"

Clearlight felt tears start to form in his eyes. His mate had cheated on him?! She hadn't loved him at all??? This only fuelled his anger and he raked his hind claws down his attacker's exposed belly and pushed him off.

The silver Tom stepped out from the shadows and Clearlight recognised Moonclaw. Snowpetal loved Moonclaw?!

Growling, Clearlight started to change shape and his growl became deeper as a large brown mane grew around his neck and his grey fur turned into a light golden colour.

He had turned into a lion.

He roared at Moonclaw and the hairless cat and lunged for them, knocking the hairless cat into a tree and biting Moonclaw's shoulders.

Snowpetal lunged for Clearlight and attacked his hind legs, tripping him. She was now slightly smaller than Clearlight by only half a mouse length.

Clearlight growled and tried to kik her away but she quickly moved away, jumping on his chest and ripping up his stomach whilst Moonclaw held his head down.

"Ice!! Help me hold his paws!!" yowled Snowpetal, facing the hairless cat.

Ice lunged for Clearlight's strong hind legs and held them down with unusual strength and his tiny claws pierced them painfully.

Clearlight yelped in pain and slowly changed back into cat form.

That was his weakness, if Clearlight was in too much pain, he body wouldn't be able to keep himself in the shape of a different animal and he would turn back into a cat.

"Snowpetal, tie him up and keep guard! Me and Ice will tell the others it time to strike" meowed Moonclaw in his deep, mesmerising voice.

The 2 evil cats ran towards Deathclan territory, probably to get ready to attack Magiclan and Lightclan's camp.

Snowpetal plucked Clearlight up by his scruff and dragged him next to a tree, wrapping him in vines and twigs and tying him to the tree "Stay put" she ordered in a low voice and then she sniffed the air and whispered "patrol.." she stalked into the bushes and Clearlight heard voices on the other side of them.

"Snowpetal! What are you doing so close to the border?" meowed a cat.

"I smelled a Lightclan cat and chased him away, no need to worry" she lied.

Clearlight heard shuffling of paws and the Monsterclan patrol padded away. Clearlight realised he haden't tried to call for help because he was so stiff with shock but he finally opened his mouth and yelled "Help!!" but before he could utter a word, Snowpetal sliced his nose with a long claw "Shut it"

Clearlight frowned and tried again to howl for help but Snowpetal quickly covered his mouth with cobwebs. "What did I tell you?" she dug her claws into his chest and he yelped in pain.

"I-I... I give up.." he whispered painfully as blood trickled from his newly made wound. He slumped in the vines and closed his eyes, defeated.


Skystar's P.O.V:

"Well hello there, oh so special, Skystar!" snarled the fox as he snapped at Skystar's nose, missing deliberately.

Skystar hissed and struggled, trying to free her paws so she could use her power but the fox held them down, probably knowing her powers.

The fox growled and loosened his grip. Skystar narrowed her eyes and silently moved away from the fox. His eyes glowed a hungry red and his claws glinted in the bright sun. "Who are you?" asked Skystar.

"Oh, you haven't got my name yet?" he chuckled and lowered his head in an attack stance. "The names Blood" he flicked his tail and lunged for Skystar, knocking her into a tree and laughing.

Skystar managed to raise her paws again as Blood lunged again. Before he could touch her, a wall of Brambles appeared in front of Skystar, blocking the fox's way for a few monents so Skystar could escape.

She scrambled around and started running at top speed back to camp. Skystar knew Blood would catch up to her easily but if she could get close enough for the cars back at camp to hear her...

Another animal sprung at Skystar and pinned her whilst Blood trotted up to her, panting. "Thanks Cloudscar!" called Blood. Skystar looked up at Cloudscar and realised that he was the Monsterclan deputy!

"Cloudscar!! What are you doing?!" she screeched in bewilderment.

Cloudscar chuckled. "They offered me a deal" Then he dug his claws into Skystar's shoulders. She screamed in pain and struggled in his strong grip. Blood stalked behind her and started clawing her back. Crimson blood gushed from her wounds and Skystar yowled with all her might in case a Lightclan patrol was close enough to hear her.

As Cloudscar plucked Skystar up by her scruff, she was already unconscious and fell limp in his jaws.


Waterfly's P.O.V:

The fox lunged for her.

Waterfly had no time what so ever to use her powers and was flung into a bush full of sharp thorns. She cried out in pain and struggled in the thorns.

The fox stalked towards her "Say hello to Jumpingstar for me!" he lunged again and threw Waterfly at a tree and she hit her head with such force she started to go dizzy.

"Don't hurt me.." she whispered pleadingly and shook her head, clearing her thoughts. The fox, meanwhile, had been watching her evilly.

Waterfly crouched down and threw herself at the fox, clawing his face but only doing minimal damage. He liked her of and pinned her, his long teeth aiming for her neck.

The fox lunged down and grabbed hold of Waterfly's neck, but before he could hit her jugulars, a dark tabby knocked the fox away, snarling "Don't kill her you mouse-brained idiot!!" Waterfly blinked a few times and lay there, watching the fox and the dark tabby cat.

"I'm so very sorry Tigerstar" the fox cowered in front of the muscular cat and fixed his gaze on the floor. "Please don't kill me"

The dark tabby, Tigerstar sniffed and shoved the fox to his feet "Make sure she doesn't get away!" the fox nodded and plucked Waterfly up in his jaws and carried her to a tree close to the Monsterclan border where Waterfly saw a grey pelt, hanging lifelsssly on the tree, wrapped in vines.

Waterfly looked closer and realised that that bloody half-dead cat was Clearlight!!


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