Chapter 13

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Waterfly's P.O.V:

A rabbit was sniffing a bush. Waterfly crouched low and crept forward. She could now see its tail bobbing up and down. She slowed her breathing and stayed as silent as she could. Soon, shw got close enough and leapt at the rabbit. The rabbit let out a squeal and sprinted away, its little tail bobbing rapidly as it went. Waterfly was gaining on it quickly. Just one more bound and she'd catch it..

There was a yelp and Waterfly nearly crashed into Fallowstream's patrol. Fallowstream had the rabbit in her jaws. Clearlight had a squirrel and a mouse. Where was Bigstep and Slowsky?

"Where's Bigstep and Slowsky?"

"We gave them time to calm down after a little scuffle with Clearlight." Mewed Fallowstream flicking her tail at the grey tom. Clearlight shuffled his paws but said nothing.

"Should we go find them?" Waterfly questioned.

"No, they're probably back at camp already" She answered.

"Ok." She dipped her head to the older she cat and took the rabbit in her jaws. "Bye" she said, voice muffled from her catch.

Waterfly padded into camp holding her rabbit. She carefully placed it on the pitiful fresh kill pile. Skyheart walked out of the warriors den, shaking her white pelt in the afternoon sun. "You slept all day?!" Waterfly asked.

"Yeah. I'm still tired though. I keep getting nghtmares.."

Waterfly nodded and padded into the medicine den to see Robinlake on the floor. Slowsky and Bigstep crouching over him. Slowsky was limping, holding a paw up.

"What happened?!" Waterfly yowled at them.


Skyheart's P.O.V:

Skyheart was so tired. She had been dreaming of darkness and a cat yowling triumphantly. She felt as though she had had no sleep at all.

She was brought back to the present time when she heard Waterfly scream "What happened!?"

Skyheart rushed into the medicine den and saw Robinlake heaving to his paws and looking at Waterfly with pain in his eyes. Slowsky was limping and Bigstep was leaning against her, watching Robinlake.

"What's wrong Robinlake?! Slowsky?" Skyheart yowled.

Slowsky stared at her and Robinlake flopped down again. Bigstep explained. "Slowsky and I were in the medicine den looking for some herbs to help Slowsky's thorn stuck in her pad. Robinlake had come in to help and had tested a herb out and now he's like this!" he flicked his tail at Robinlake cramped up on the floor.

Waterfly padded up to Robinlake and smelled his breath. She paused and finally sighed and said: "Foxglove seeds." She meowed simply, her voice grave.

Skyheart rushed up to him and whispered, "It's gonna be ok. Just stay with us. Don't go anywhere."

He obviously didn't get what she was saying because he answered "Like I am." then he grunted and closed his eyes in pain. Skyheart had meant was; Don't die. Don't go to Starclan yet. Your not ready!

Meanwhile, Waterfly had been looking for the right herb to help Robinlake. She padded out of the small cave and brushed past Bigstep and Slowsky to get to the nearly dead Robinlake.

"Eat this Yarrow!" she ordered. Yarrow! Of course. Yarrow would make you sick do the poison get out of your system. Skyheart reminded herself.

Robinlake nimbly ate the yarrow and was automatically sick. Skyheart looked away and held her breath, "Uh.."

Skyheart left the den to give Waterfly space. Skyheart let her thoughts wander and for a moment, she realised something. Maybe Waterfly's destiny was to become a medicine cat and serve her clan that way! Maybe she had a special power.

Skyheart pushed the thought to the back of her head as Clearlight padded into camp followed by Fallowstream. Please let there be no trouble! Skyheart silently prayed to Starclan.


Clearlight's P.O.V:

Skyheart padded out of the medicine den as Clearlight entered the camp followed by Fallowstream. He put his fresh kill on the pile and padded up to Skyheart. "Where's Bigstep an-"

"Bigstep ande Slowsky were in the medicine den and Robinlake ate foxglove seeds!" blurted Skyheart before Clearlight could ask the question she just answered.

Bigstep! That great lump must have given the poisonous herbs to Robinlake so he could be deputy!

Clearlight screwed up his eyes and growled.

"Wait, I'm no finished!" Skyheart meowed after seeing his deadly expression. "Slowsky had a thorn in her pad and she was looking for a herb to help with Bigstep. Robinlake came in and helped. They found some seeds and Robinlake tested them."

Oh. Clearlight sighed.

Skyheart whisked him away to the warriors den. "I had dreams of darkness while you were gone." she whispered. "The enemy is getting closer. I can sense it." They padded into the warriors den and sat down together.

"I'll get some food." meowed Clearlight.


Waterfly's P.O.V:

"I think Robinlake should join the elders den." Bigstep whispered as the old tom staggered to his paws. His muzzle was gray and his hind legs were getting weak.

"I heard that!" meowed Robinlake. The he sighed. "I'll talk to Jumpingstar about it."

Slowsky nodded at Bigstep and they left the den, leaving Waterfly to clean up the mess. Oh, Starclan Why must everything happen now? Why must we have no medicine cat? Why must the prophecy have to be real? Why must Jumpingstar choose such a weak deputy?

Waterfly was so frustrated. She needed air but what if she had to treat someone? She thought for a while.

She went to the fresh kill pile and chose a vole. He looked at it and realised that it had herbs on it. Was it a sign from Starclan?


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