Chapter 25

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Clearlight's P.O.V:

It was late at night barely three days after the skirmish with Monsterclan. The crescent moon shone bright above the forest as Clearlight made his way to the border alone. He was going to meet Snowpetal. They had arranged to meet in secret that night, hopefully she arrived on time.

He waited by the Monsterclan border, excitement bubbling within him. He heard some rustling from the bushes, turning his head to the source of the sound, and spotted a snow white pelt in the bushes. She's here.

Clearlight grinned mischievously and crouched down, pouncing on the she cat. Snowpetal gasped in surprise and rolled with the impact, easily pinning Clearlight down on his back. The grey tom struggled against her, refusing to give in so quickly. Snowpetal's weight lifted slightly, allowing him to surge upwards and knock her down.

The Monsterclan she cat and Lightclan tom tumbled and rolled in the small clearing, playing under the glittering Starclan sky without a care in the world.

Eventually, Snowpetal pinned Clearlight down again and smirked triumphantly. "Give up yet?"

"Yes, I give up." He sighed, a smile immediately rising on his lips as Snowpetal licked his forehead and let him up.

Snowpetal purred faintly as she licked down her ruffled fur. Clearlight watched her silently, a purr of his own rumbling in his throat. She looked so beautiful... Her thick long white fur. Her nose; small and pink. Her beautiful purple eyes glowing in the moonlight.

Snowpetal giggled softly when she noticed his stare and flicked his muzzle lightly with her tail. Clearlight shook his head and chuckled. "Sorry."

"It's okay." She responded, shrugging as she settled down on the ground to look up at the sky.

Clearlight shuffled next to her, pressing his pelt to her side. "Snowpetal?"


"Can we do this again tomorrow night? And every night after that?" He asked, looking at her.

After a slight pause, Snowpetal nodded her head. "Of course, I'd love that."

Clearlight sighed in relief and nuzzled her, purring. "Would you like to sleep here tonight? Under the stars?" He asked.

She nodded, patting a soft patch of grass with her tail. Clearlight lay down beside her, pressing himself closer to her. "Goodnight." He whispered before he fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now