Chapter 31

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Skystar's POV:

Blinking her eyes open, Skystar saw Clearlight walking sadly out of camp. She wanted to go and ask him what was wrong but was worried he wouldn't want to talk to her.

"Waterfly? I'm going out to hunt. Please tell Roundclaw that he is in charge until I come back." Skystar whispered to the medicine cat.

Skystar needed time alone to think about everything and maybe practice some of her powers since she hadn't gotten a chance to in Starclan.

Waterfly nodded sleepily and stood up, padding toward the warriors den to check for Roudclaw. Skystar nodded and silently left camp, trotting through the forest. She quickened her pace as excitement filled her body and after a small while of fast-trotting, she was sprinting at top speed through the Lightclan forest.

The wind rushed through Skystar's fur, calming her mind. She blocked out all of the nasty horrible thoughts and sad thoughts that seemed to fill her head every day. Skystar ran and ran and ran as if nothing could go wrong.

Unfortunately, just as Skystar thought her bad luck was behind her, she was knocked over and pinned by a snarling animal much bigger than her. She yelped in surprise and looked up at her attacker.

It was a fox.


Clearlight's POV:

"Snowpetal? Is that you?" called Clearlight as he heard a rustle in the green lush bushes. He cautiously neared the bush in case it was a Monsterclan patrol.

A pink head popped up.

Clearlight tilted his head in confusion and then realised that this cat didn't have pink fur, he was bald!

The cat growled and sprung itself at Clearlight, giving a battle screech. A cat with silver fur stalked forwards, his muscular shape out sizing Clearlight immediately.

Another giant cat appeared from the Monsterclan side of the border and Clearlight saw Snowpetal, her teeth bared and her long lethal claws extended to their full length.

Clearlight was surrounded.


Waterfly's P.O.V:

A squirrel was munching on a nut. It was so intent on it's meal that Waterfly literally stepped over it to get past. "Stupid squirrel" she muttered "It'll be dinner by the end of today if not tomorrow morning" Waterfly shook her head and continued on her search for herbs.

She was looking for Dock, Coltsfoot, Marigold and Goldenrod. All of those herbs she needed for the upcoming battle.

Waterfly sniffed the air and caught a strong scent of Coltsfoot and saw a yellow patch of them. She grinned and carefully chewed the flowers off their stems. She created a pile and picked them up, padding to a tree where she had spotted a small deserted hollow smelling faintly of badger.

The smell of fox suddenly overwhelmed the area and Waterfly tensed her body and dropped her herbs. A huge muscly fox stepped out from the bushes and growled, s small smirk entering it's face. "Hello Waterfly. Why are you all alone?" snarled the fox in an accent Waterfly had never heard before.

Backing away, Waterfly unsheathes her claws and let sparkles engulf them. "D-Don't make me use my powers.." she warned the fox fearfully.

The fox laughed and suddenly lunged for her.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now