Chapter 33:

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Skystar's P.O.V:

Skystar blinked her eyes open looked around. She was strung up to a tree, 2 bloody pelts pressed against her. She blinked a couple more times and let her vision completely focus and stared at the 2 cats.

They were Waterfly and Clearlight!!

Skystar tried to yowl for help but realised that her mouth had been covered thickly with cobwebs.

There was a rustling sound in one of the bushes and a white she cat stepped out and stalked towards them. Skystar recognised Snowpetal, the Monsterclan cat.

She struggled in wildly in her vines but Skystar couldn't get free. Snowpetal lunged for Skystar and sliced her muzzle and cheek. Skystar yelped like a kit and felt pain fill her face.

Her other wounds had not healed fully yet but the flow of blood had stopped, only leaving Skytar's body full of dried blood.

A meow of fear made Skystar turn her head to look at Waterfly. The medicine cat was blinking her eyes open slowly and Skystar noticed some of her wounds were still open and bleeding.


Waterfly's P.O.V:

Waterfly blinked open her eyes and saw Skystar, blood flowing from her muzzle and cheek. She gazed around and realised she was tied to a tree.

The tree started to shake violently and Waterfly heard the sound of vines snapping. She looked at Skystar and a look of pure horror filled her leader's face.

A low growl came from the opposite side of the tree and Waterfly could see orange fur at the edges where Clearlight should have been.

Where was Clearlight?


Clearlight's P.O.V:

Clearlight jolted awake and looked around. Where was he?? The memory of earlier on hit Clearlight like a ton of twolegs rubbish. He was tied up to a tree along with Skystar and Waterfly, his mate, Snowpetal, cheated on him and Moonclaw was probably attacking the Lightclan camp right now.

Clearlight looked at his wounds and smiled, they were healed and didn't hurt at all. He felt his body grow and snap as the bones realigned themselves. Clearlight felt his muzzle lengthen and his tail become bushier and red with a white tip. His fur turned a deep blood red and the tree started to shake wildly as the vines snapped and Clearlight felt more powerful.

He had turned into a fox.


Roundclaw's P.O.V:

"Are you sure?" Roundclaw asked Fluffypaw curiously as the apprentice stared up at Roundclaw with wild eyes and ruffled fur.

"Of course I'm sure!! There was Deathclan scent EVERYWHERE!!" screeched Fluffypaw as he unsheathed and sheathed his claws. "We must prepare! They're going to attack!!!"

Roundclaw nodded and jumped onto the HighTree. "Cats of Lightclan!!" he didn't need to say anything else since the whole clan was already in the clearing, mumbling and meowed to each other. They turned their heads to Roundclaw expectantly.

"Deathclan scent has been found deep in our territory! I want Bluestorm to take 3 of our strongest warriors out and find Skystar, Waterfly and Clearlight. I, along with Darkfur and Bigstep will guard the camp entrance. The rest of you will hide the kits and prepare for an attack!" meowed Roundclaw as the cats split up into their separate patrols.

Roundclaw hadn't had time to see into the future and find out when Deathclan will attack and he was worried for his clan as he jumped down the HighTree and tortted to the entrance of the camp.

Minutes went by and Roundclaw grew restless. Where they even coming? He was stupid to believe an apprentice, Fluffypaw could've tricked him or mistaken an old scent with a new one..

Roundclaw was about to call off the patrol when he heard loud yowling and screeching erupt from the training clearing. Roundclaw immediately leapt up and raced toward the screeches.

As the sounds got louder, a cat exploded from the bushes and pinned Roundclaw. Bigstep flung the cat away and a flurry of black mist engulfed the area between Roundclaw's patrol and Bluestorm's.

A heavy weight nocked Roundclaw and he staggered but kept his balance. The cat, a she cat, hissed triumphantly and clawed his muzzle. She leapt onto Roundclaw, striking her thorn-sharp claws down his side and rolled him over. He screeched in fury and kicked her away.

She went rolling into a small Holly bush where hundreds of little holy berries went rolling into the clearing. Roundclaw tried to kick as many of them away but failed miserably. There were too many berries. He just hoped no one from his clan ate them by mistake..

The she cat growled, her pelt smothered in poisonous berry juice. She yowled angrily and threw herself at Roundclaw, knocking him onto the ground, coating him in Holly Berry juice. She grabbed his head between her paws and shoved him face first into the soil where 2 little holly berries waited.

The berries were quickly shoved into his mouth and he tried spitting them out but the horrible poisonous juice was already in his mouth, creeping slowly down his throat.

Roundclaw desperately tried to get out of the she cat's grip but another, more muscly, cat held his legs down.

As the one berry slid down his throat, Roundclaw's breathing started to get ragged and painful. He managed to spit out the second berry but it was too late.

His gaze became blurry and tears formed in his eyes. Roundclaw stopped struggling and he slowly became weaker and weaker...

The she cat smiled and leaned in next to his ear "Say hello to Jumpingstar for me" she whispered evilly.

Roundclaw took one last breath and let darkness engulf him.


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