Chapter 30

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Roundclaw's P.O.V:

"We'll wait for a Monsterclan patrol to pass by." Meowed Roundclaw as he sat down to wait.

Only a few more moments passed and Roundclaw heard a low growl coming from a large cat in front of him. He stood up and met the Monsterclan cat's eyes. "We need to speak with Darkstar." He stated bluntly.

The tom in front of Roundclaw frowned. "Why?" He demanded.

Roundclaw rolled his eyes "Do you really expect me to tell you words meant for your leader?" He took a deep breath to stay calm while confronting the larger threat.

The patrol leader snorted, but rolled his eyes and mewed. "Fine, follow me."

The Monsterclan patrol flanked them with out a word and made sure they had no escape.


The strong smell of Monsterclan hit Roundclaw's nose, telling him that they were near the camp. He had never been this far into the heart of Monsterclan territory. He had never even crossed the border!

"Cloudscar, what are you doing with this Lightclan patrol?" A well-muscled cat snarled. Roundclaw recognised him as Darkstar.

"They want to speak with you." Cloudscar shoved Roundclaw and his patrol towards the giant Monsterclan leader. Roundclaw shook in fear as he thought about meeting this cat in battle.

Darkstar gave a small smirk of satisfaction that he had scared Roundclaw  and waved his tail for them to follow them. "Follow"

They obeyed and walked into a small den and sat down along with Monsterclan's leader.

"So. What do you wish to tell me?" Darkstar asked gruffly, flicking his tail at Roundclaw.

Roundclaw nodded and lifted his head slightly "There is a new clan living in the moorlands. It's name is Deathclan and they are made up of foxes and cats. We found out that Deathclan wants to take over all three clans and rule over us." Roundclaw meowed.


Roundclaw nodded. "Jumpingstar was killed by Deathclan." He didn't need to go into detail. "We need to join together as one clan and fight Deathclan."

Growling, Darkstar narrowed his eyes. "And how do I know this isn't just a stupid Lightclan trick to lure us in and kill us?" The leader looked at Roundclaw with hostility.

Roundclaw stood up and placed his tail on Darkstar's shoulder. "I'll show you." He closed his eyes and brought himself and Darkstar to the past, The Battle with Deathclan.

He imediately heard hisses and screeches coming from inside camp. Darkstar stiffened in shock but Roundclaw carefully guided Monsterclan's leader into the camp to the middle of the fight. "They can't see us. We are safe."

Darkstar shoved Roundclaw away. "I know that!" He took in the scene around him. The battle between Deathclan and Lightclan that had taken place not so long ago.

When the battle was over, Roundclaw touched his shoulder and they were back in Darkstar's den. "Do you agree to the deal?"

Darkstar hesitated but soon muttered. "Monsterclan will not join you."

Roundclaw was shocked but respectfully dipped his head and turned to his patrol "Let's go, we have bothered them enough." Bigstep nodded and shooed the rest of the patrol out of the camp. Roundclaw followed, giving Darkstar a hard glare. "You'll be sorry when they arrive to attack."

Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now