Chapter 4

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Skyheart's POV:

Skyheart watched as Roundkit leapt on Darkkit's back. Rainkit clawed her sister's dark pelt. "Rainkit! Keep your claws sheathed please." Skyheart called with a shake of her head.

"Yes Mumma!" The she kit squeaked back.

Bluekit was creeping in the shadows, slowly getting closer and closer to the other kits. Finally, she let out a battle screech and flew onto Whitekit, making him fall to the ground. They squealed in joy as they all tumbled around camp. They nearly tripped over Greenstare as she walked to the fresh-kill pile. Skyheart took a bird for herself and gave Greenstare a vole.

As Skyheart looked closer at Greenstare, she realised that she had a long claw wound running down her back. "Greenstare! What happened?" At her yell, a couple of other cats looked up from where they sat.

"Oh. Um... I-I um.."  Greenstare stuttered sheepishly, though a hard glare lay under her scattered emotions.

"What is it?" asked Jumpingleaf padding towards them.

Greenstare finally mewed softly, "A Magiclan cat attacked me and gave me this scar to show that I am cursed to live a life of misery when I die." Her eyes flashed and Skyheart narrowed her eyes. Was she lying? Thoughts filled her head but Skyheart couldn't quite catch them long enough to understand what they meant. But one thing was clear: That was not the truth.

"Won't she go to Starclan when she dies?" asked Bluekit.

Skyheart narrowed her eyes at Greenstare as she answered "No."

Gasps of shocked swept around the camp and Bluekit hissed at Greenstare "That means your evil!" She yowled.

Greenstare narrowed her eyes and whispered something with a small smirk. Bluekit shrank away from Greenstare in fear and darted away.

Wildstar stepped forwards. "We will attack Magiclan tomorrow morning so they pay for what they have done."

Can he not see that she is lying?!

Skyheart gave Clearlight a frightened look.

They both knew that their kits were ready to be apprenticed.

Wildstar continued. "I will take with me, Greenstare, Coloureyes, Clearlight, Jumpingleaf, Fluffytail, Bigstep, Waterfly, Robinlake, Slowsky, Loveheart, Sparklingfish and Fallowstream." The cats he called padded to the camp entrance and waited for the signal to sprint to the border.

"Treefern, you come too with herbs to help injured cats. I want Skyheart and her kits to come too in case we need more help. The kits could also help Treefern. Skyheart, are your kits ready to see their first battle?" Wildstar emphasised the word 'see' to make it clear he didn't want them to battle.

"Yes." Skyheart whispered after a small hesitation.


They all trekked on towards the Magiclan border. They were going hide in the bushes and wait until a patrol walked by the border. It was the only way of having a chance of winning. Skyheart sensed a patrol on its way. She held her breath and her kits drew closer to her as she heard rustling only a few fox lengths away.

She heard the battle screech and Wildstar and his patrol leapt out of the bushes and attacked Magiclan. She looked out and saw that there were six strong cats waiting on the other side. It's as if they knew we were coming... Skyheart was so deep in thoughts that she didn't realise that her kits were getting ready to join in in the battle.

"No!" yowled Skyheart. Her kits didn't hear her and went running over the border...


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now