Chapter 34

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Clearlight's POV:

Clearlight shook out his pelt and barked furiously at Snowpetal who had her back turned. She waved her thin white tail dismissively. "Stop trying to scare me, Blood, it won't work." She chuckled and turned her head to look at Clearlight. Her expression changed into confusion. "Oh, your not Blood.." She sniffed him and picked up Clearlight's scent. She gasped and lunged for him but he shoved her away easily with his added strength.

He lunged for her but Snowpetal nimbly stepped out of the way and launched herself at him, her claws tearing at his side. Clearlight snarled and twirled round to face her. Rearing up onto his hind legs, Clearlight slammed himself down upon Snowpetal and she hit the ground with such force she was dazed for a few moments.

Clearlight growled and sunk his fangs into Snowpetal's shoulder. She cried out in pain and her eyes fell to the back of her head as she passed out, her body growing still.

"Good." he said to himself as he changed back into a cat. He strolled over to Waterfly and Skystar who both hung on the tree, impatiently waiting for him to untie them.

Skystar sighed. "About time."

Waterfly nodded in agreement.

"Alright, alright!" he laughed as he bit into the vines and cut them. "Your free." he sighed. "Let's go back to camp, I hope Moonclaw hasn't attacked yet."

Waterfly nodded again without saying anything and started running through the forest with her tail streaming behind her. Clearlight and Skystar followed close behind.


Skystar's POV:

As they neared camp, the sound of yowling and cries of pain filled the air and Skystar spotted cats and foxes fighting. She let out a battle screech and plunged into the clearing, leaping onto the nearest Deathclan cat and grasped her in her claws.

The Deathclan she cat hissed angrily and shook Skystar off, revealing a curled up, unmoving shape with brown fur laying at her paws.


Skystar stared in horror at her kit and ran over to him, shaking him wildly. She forgot about the battle roaring on around her, her only focus being on her kit. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He didn't move. Roundclaw was dead, and it was that she cat's fault. She sighed despairingly stood up. She would grieve later, she needed to defeat Deathclan first.

The she cat who killed Roundclaw sat there growling, willing Skystar to make the first move. She took the chance and lunged for the she cat and jumped over her head, missing deliberately to confuse her attacker.

She raised her paws and sparks engulfed them. She felt power run through her veins and Skystar's fur sparkled brightly like the sun.

Skystar curled we lips back into a snarl and shot countless thorns at the she cat, grinning crazily at she the sharp projectiles sent the she cat falling to a long, painful death.


Waterfly's P.O.V:

Waterfly crouched at the edge of the clearing, shooting any Deathclan warriors who came close with water.

She spotted Skystar attacking a Deathclan she cat with hundreds of thorns, wincing as the she cat's howls rose into the air.

She hoped the battle would be over soon.


Clearlight's POV:

Clearlight watched in horror as Skystar brutally murdered Roundclaw's killer. Blood was everywhere, coating the ground.

He was so focused on the white she cat attacking the Deathclan she cat, he didn't notice a brown tom lunging for her. He gasped as his teeth sank into her teeth and she let out a cry of pain, falling to the ground.

As Skystar's head hit the ground, she sent a shockwave through the earth, flinging cats off in all directions. The Deathclan cats let out shrieks of terror as the ground beneath their paws shot them into the sky.

Then all went still, the battle stumbled to a hault and the bloody clearing was thrown into silence.

Clearlight rushed to Skystar's side and peered down at her. Was she losing a life? He felt her stir and he looked at her face. Her eyes were stretched wide in fear and anger and her mouth was parted as she fought to breath. Clearlight's breath caught in his throat and he looked around wildly for any signs of Waterfly.

The medicine cat was no where to be found. He gave a small whimper as Skystar's tail twitched and she went still. "Skystar.." he whispered feebly. 

Some Lightclan cats had gathered to see what was happening and quickly turned away when they saw Skystar's motionless body.

Clearlight felt tears prick his eyes and couldn't hold them away any longer. The tears gushed out of his eyes and Clearlight sobbed quietly. "I'm sorry.." he whispered.

Clearlight knew Skystar had many lives left, but he wasn't crying about that. He was crying because he had been a horrible mate and had put Skystar through so much pain these past moons. "Skystar.."

As he said that the warmth in Skystar's body started to return and a ray of warm sunlight filtered through the green leaves of the green leaf trees and into the bloody clearing. "Clearlight." Skystar croaked, her eyes half closed.

"Yes?" Was all he said.

"I forgive you."

Clearlight couldn't believe his ears. Skystar forgave him. He purred and nuzzled Skystar affectionately. She nuzzled him back. "Forgetting something?" She meowed quietly.

Clearlight answered. "I don't think so.."

Skystar purred. "You forgot to ask me if I will be your mate again."

Clearlight laughed nerviously. "Oops.. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry, ask me. Go on."

"Skystar?" Clearlight meowed, looking into Skystar's beautiful green eyes that shone in the sun. "Will you be my mate?"

Skystar purred and smiled at Clearlight "What do you think?"


Skystar laughed "Yes!" She leapt up and knocked Clearlight onto the ground so she was on top of him. She nuzzled Clearlight and he nuzzled back purring finally.

"Thank you." He murmured.

Skystar purred loudly. "No, thank you."

Clearlight rolled his eyes and licked Skystar on the cheek "Let's get back to camp."

She nodded and they stood up. "Lightclan, to camp!" She called.

Clearlight waved his tail and motioned for her to come "Let's go!" he yowled happily as he started running through the forest toward camp with Skystar and Waterfly beside him.

Lightclan followed, giving yowls of triumph and joy.

"We beat Deathclan!" Clearlight yowled as the sun started to set behind the hills in the moorland. "We are invincible!"


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now