Bonus Chapter!

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Skystar's P.O.V:

(6 moons later)

Skystar sat on a rock beside Clearlight and Waterfly.

She lifted her head and watched as the sun set and the full-moon started to rise. "It's time to go" she meowed and her mate and medicine cat both nodded.

Skystar swished her tail and signalled for them to follow her, she trotted down from the rock and entered the Lightclan camp. "All cats coming to the gathering gather before me!!" she yowled.

Rustling from the dens signalled her clan mates were walking out and Skystar took the moment to watch her clan mates walk into the clearing.

Fluffystream came first from the warriors den. Skystar's former apprentice lifted his head high and strutted toward Skystar. He was still trying to impress her!

Next came Darkfur, one of Skystar's kits. The dark furred she cat was Lightclan deputy since Roundclaw had died. Skystar shook away the memory of Roundclaw's shrivelled limp figure laid in the middle of camp for the vigil.

Skystar turned to look at the apprentices den as Fernpaw, Bumblepaw and Mousepaw tumbled into the clearing in a flurry of fur. Slowsky's kits had grown into strong apprentices and soon-to-be warriors. They were currently 10 moons old.

The medicine den entrance shook and Nutpaw trotted out and went to stand by Waterfly's side. The little Tom was the medicine cat apprentice and was also Skystar's kit. She had given birth to one more kit shortly after the battle with Deathclan.

More warriors entered the clearing and Skystar flicked her tail and ran up the hill and out of camp. Her clan followed closely after.

They ran until they neared the gathering place, Deathclan's former camp. After the clans had defeated Deathclan, the foxes and evil cats had fled. Now they used the abandoned camp as a gathering place.

When Lightclan entered the clearing, Skystar trotted up to the other leaders, Darkstar of Monsterclan and Rabbitstar of Magiclan. Leafstar had unfortunately passed away and every cat, even Monsterclan, had grieved. Leafstar had been a very noble and wise cat and it was a great loss.

Skystar nodded at the leaders "Greetings" she meowed warmly. Rabbitstar returned it with a kind nod but Darkstar turned away growling.

The Monsterclan leader had still not forgoten how Lightclan had saved his life. After the battle, a lone fox formerly from Deathclan had chased Darkstar deep into Lightclan territory. If Clearlight's patrol hadn't leapt to help him, Darkstar would have been killed.

Skystar jumped onto the Great Boulder and sat down, waving for the other leaders to follow. They jumped up after her and sat down curtly with their tails around their paws. "Cats of the clans!!" yowled Darkstar.

Every cat turned and looked at the leaders and everything went silent. "Good" muttered Darkstar, his tail twitching. "Some peace and quiet"

Skystar rolled her eyes and turned to the crowded cats below her. "I shall start first" she called. "Lightclan has had a good moon of hunting and our warriors are well fed. I would like to welcome a new apprentice to train with Waterfly: Nutpaw!!" Lightclan and Magiclan cats cheered happily.

"Nutpaw! Nutpaw! Nutpaw!"

Monsterclan muttered darkly. Skystar frowned at Darkstar but said nothing.

Rabbitstar stepped forward, his light brown long fur sleek and glossy under the glowing full-moon. "Magiclan, too, has had good hunting and we have 3 new warriors. Please welcome Zebratail, Cloudpoppy and Snakeheart!!" The cats cheered below and greeted the new warriors of Magiclan. Even Monsterclan have a few half-hearted cheers.

Darkstar stepped forward. "Monsterclan is strong and healthy" he shot a glare at Skystar and Rabbitstar. They shot it back. "And we have no news to announce"

The leaders jumped off the Great Boulder and gathered their clans before disappearing in the undergrowth.


Read book 2:

Warriors: Silver in the Moonlight

Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now