Chapter 10

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Skyheart's P.O.V:

Sighing, Skyheart padded over to the fresh kill pile and picked out a squirrel from the pile. She sat down peacefully and began to eat. Clearlight rushed into camp, his eyes wide with fear. "Monsterclan knows we have no medicine cat! They're going attack for sure!" Shocked murmurs and gasps swept the clan like a wave.

"They'll take my kit!" Screeched Fallowstream.

Fluffykit ran up to her mother "I'll protect you!" he puffed out his chest, his fur fluffing up all over the place. His mother rushed forward scooped up Fluffykit and began to pad to the nursery.

Before they made it, a yowl sounded from the entrance to the camp and Darkstar stalked through, a couple of Monsterclan cats at his side for protection.

At that, Fallowstream rushed into the nursery ignoring Fluffykit's squeals as he got squashed. "ATTACK!" Yowled Darkstar all of the Monsterclan cats leapt up and raced at the Lightclan cats.

Skyheart had no time to think. She leapt into battle, clawing a tabby pelt and drawing blood. The tabby cat turned around and lashed out, missing Skyheart by only a whisker. "Too slow!" she yowled. The tabby took that as an advantage and shoved Skyheart away. She lay winded for a second and during that short time, she saw Jumpingstar wrestling a huge white tom to the ground.

Before she could stand, the tabby was on top of her. Clawing and biting, making Skyheart yelp in pain. As blood splattered in her eyes, blocking her vision, the weight was lifted off her and she caught a glimpse of a Magiclan cat battling the tabby with quick swipes.

Is Magiclan attacking us or helping us? Skyheart wondered desparatly as blood gushed from her wounds.


Clearlight's P.O.V:

"Help!" Meowed a cat a few fox-lengths away from Clearlight. He hissed, ignoring the cat. But it came again, "Help me!" Clearlight rushed forwards and noticed Fluffykit in Darkstar's jaws. Clearlight sounded a yowl to alert the clan and rushed over to Darkstar. He fastened his teeth around Darkstar's neck but never held on for long because Darkstar had shoved him away and he lay there, winded.

A cat helped him up and he twirled around to see a Magiclan cat next to him. He drew out his claws and was about to claw them when one quickly said,"Wait! We're helping you! Hold on!" Clearlight was curious but listened and let the two she cats pull him up and bring him to a quiet bush. "We must help you. Here look! Our medicine cat is coming!"

Clearlight saw a grey she cat limping towards them. "What's the problem!?" she called, her amber eyes shining with worry.

"Clearlight is hurt!" The white she cat yowled from next to him.

"What are your names?" He gasped as pain seared through him.

"Mine is Blackpelt" the dark furred she-cat meowed.

"And mine is Whitepelt." meowed the white furred she-cat.

"You- you are sis- sisters aren't you?" Clearlight coughed. He vaguely remembered the two she cats when they were kits, just before he joined Lightclan. 

"Yes." they said in unison.

"Mm." he mewed, his eyes glazed from pain.

"Our medicine cat's name is Waterslash."

Watersplash pulled out a couple of cobwebs and some kind of herb and place both on Clearlight's side. He yowled in pain.

"Sh.This won't hurt too much if you keep still.." She meowed as she careful felt his rib cage. "Hm... You seem to have a small fracture. I haven't brought any comfrey with me but I'm sure your medicine cat can heal you." She put cobwebs on his remaining wounds. "Just rest a bit for now. No more fighting."

A yowl sounded from the other side of the clearing and Watersplash got up and padded over to the sound. The two she cats stayed with Clearlight until the battle started to thin out.

"WE WON!" A cat yowleee from the Hightree. Clearlight struggled to look and saw Jumpingstar, wounds all over him. He was on the Hightree and had a triumphant look on his face. "WE WON!" he yowled again. All the Monsterclan cats remaining fled the camp.

"Thank Starclan for that." Clearlight breathed.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now