Chapter 17

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Waterfly's P.O.V:

Skyheart had just told Jumpingstar and Waterfly the bad news about the foxes. Jumpingstar had ordered Skyheart not to tell any cat, not even Clearlight.

Skyheart was sending out patrols and Waterfly was looking for herbs.

She found a patch of yarrow and plucked them out and headed back to camp quietly placing each paw in front of the other so not to disturb any prey.

Her thoughts began to wander as she headed back to camp. She thought about the foxes and the evil cats trying to plot against Lightclan. Has this got something to do with the prophecy?


Roundclaw's P.O.V:

"Magiclan attack!" A gray tabby tom yowled at the head of his patrol. There were three Magiclan cats and only Fluffypaw and Roundclaw were there to defend Lightclan's borders.

They leapt at each other and Roundclaw was immediately shoved to the ground. Dirt grazed his face and covers his eyes, which blinded him. "Help!" he gasped but was shoved further into the ground as the grey tom pushed him with more force. Claws pricked his skin and blood welled from a gash on his cheek.

Roundclaw wriggled free and twisted round to claw at a brown she-cat's face but the grey tom kicked him making him topple over again. This time Roundclaw was ready, he leapt up quickly and kicked dirt in the she-cat's face. She reeled back in surprise and tripped herself up with her own paws.

The tom was helping the she cat up while Roundclaw caught a glimpse of Fluffypaw.

The young apprentice was fighting off a huge she cat single-pawed but he seemed to need no help at all as he clawed her face and tripped the she cat easily.

"I'm coming!" Came the familiar voice of Whitetail as he exploded from the bushes and leapt on the grey Magiclan tom.

Roundclaw mind suddenly went blank and his legs grew limp underneath him. A small whimper left his parted jaws as he flopped on the ground, eyes closing.

He woke up in the past.

Another vision of the past?

He rarely caught glimpses of the past.

Roundclaw saw cats from all three clans at a gathering and the leaders were arguing on the huge rock. Roundclaw strained his ears to make out their conversation. It was something about borders and prey. Roundclaw noticed Wildstar, probably deputy at the time, growling and spitting at a young Magiclan apprentice. The apprentice was the grey tom from thw present!

Roundclaw heard the name Greypaw. That must be the apprentice's name. Then a fight broke out and Greypaw fell to the ground heavily. No clan mate helped him. No cat. He was left to the claws of Lightclan's deputy. Roundclaw shut his eyes and turned away as he heard a high pitched screech of pain and when he turned back round to see Greypaw, he saw the apprentice lying on the ground with blood pooling from a wound on his belly. Finally a cat helped him up and brought him to the Magiclan medicine cat. No clouds had covered the sky during that brutal skirmish and no other cats had helped, they just stared.

The vision faded and Roundclaw found himself standing in the middle of the clearing on the border between Magiclan and Lightclan. Whitetail and Fluffypaw were staring in surprise and the Magiclan cats gave hostile glances from the other side of the border.

"Lightclan has won." Whitetail growled, giving Greypaw, who was now a warrior, a last hiss and vanished into the bushes.

Roundclaw had a couple of small scratches and Fluffypaw had none. Whitetail had a deep claw mark on his shoulder making him limp.

When they arrived in camp, Jumpingstar walked up to them and questioned them what had happened. Whitetail just meowed "We ran into a couple of Magiclan cats. They were easily beaten."

Jumpingstar nodded briskly and ordered the patrol to go see Waterfly so she could check their wounds and for Fluffypaw to go find Skyheart for some training.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now