Chapter 7

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Skyheart's POV:

Skyheart took a deep breath. The mouse she was stalking was still rummaging through the undergrowth, waiting to be caught. As Skyheart waited for the right moment, she thought again of what she had seen that morning. Her mother, Raindrop, had come to her. Saying that she was sorry? Was it because of her exile? And then she said that Skyheart, herself, had blocked her own memories. Why?

A twig snapped under her paws and the mouse scampered away. "Mouse dung!" Skyheart hissed. She hadn't been concentrating enough. This was her third day in banishment. It was no worse or no better than the first day. Skyheart flashed back to the scene she saw. Her clan mates fighting one another, turning their backs on Starclan and dying of exhaustion, hunger or wounds at the end. She watched again how her clan mates had disappeared up into the sky. Not going to Starclan but going to The Place Of No Stars, The Dark Forest.

An alarm sounded in the trees and a sparrow swooped down just above Skyheart's head. She leapt up and caught it in her claws. She brought is down and killed it with a quick nip on the back of its neck. A twinge of pride filled Skyheart at the sight of her catch. She wasn't totally useless.

Skyheart was about to turn around and head back to camp when she remembered that she was banished. She sighed and went the opposite direction. How am I supposed to fulfil the prophecy if I still have to wait for Jumpingstar and his deputy to go to Starclan? Skyheart wondered. No, I can't think like that, both cats are worthy of being in that place! She told her self.

Skyheart wondered who the new deputy was. Maybe Robinlake? No, he's too old. Greenstare? No she has her own 'curse' to fufill, even if it was fake. Slowsky? Maybe. Clearlight? He would be so proud.... But he would have told Skyheart already if he was. Skyheart continued to think as she padded into her nest inside of a make-shift den.


Clearlight's POV:

Clearlight sighed. He wished Skyheart was with him, sharing tongues with him as they ate a bird together, staring into the sunset. Instead, Clearlight was sitting with Jumpingstar and Robinlake, the new deputy.

No one agreed that Robinlake should be deputy because he was too old and would probably go to the elders den soon. He would be the first elder in Lightclan for a while.

Jumpingstar stood up and flicked his tail, signalling his pitiful clan to follow him to the entrance to the camp. Tonight was the gathering.

Fluffykit ran up to Clearlight. "Can I come too?"

Fluffykit had been born the day Skyheart had been banished. His fur spiked up all over the place. A little like Wildstar's. He was named after Fluffytail in honour of his bravery.

"Not today." Clearlight turned around to see Fluffykit's mother, Fallowstream, padding up to her son with a warning glance at Clearlight to be nice. "Maybe another day. When you're an apprentice." Clearlight added and trotted up the slope with the rest of the clan.

Clearlight had to admit that he had never been to a gathering since joining Lightclan, all those moons ago. He was nervous. What if a fight broke out because of him?

As the clan neared the Magiclan border, Clearlight realised that they were nearing Skyheart's den. Maybe Jumpingstar would lift the banishment! But they trotted right past without a second glance.


Skyheart's POV:

Skyheart rested inside her den. Her white fur ruffling in the breeze. That night was the gathering and she hoped that she could come with her clan and end her banishment. But how could that happen? She was banned, so she will stay banned!

Skyheart sighed. Her tail swished in the air as she licked her chest fur down. The breeze had began to get stronger and a shadow moved outside.

Skyheart slowly got up and reluctantly padded outside to check out the shadow.

She sniffed the air.

An unfamiliar scent.

Suddenly, the shadow seemed to vanish.

But as Skyheart breathed in the small remains of the scent, she felt something stir in her chest. Her heart began racing all of a sudden and her head throbbed.

What is going on?!

At last, Skyheart's pounding heart slowed and she took a deep, shaky breath. Oh well. she said to herself. I guess it's nothing.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now