Chapter 3

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Skyheart's P.O.V:

Skyheart walked into her den. She was tired and needed to sleep. As she padding into the den and circled into her nest, she closed her eyes. She fell into a deep sleep.

She opened her eyes to see herself in a forest with sparkling bright trees and the moon shining brightly in the night sky. Skyheart saw some starry shapes coming towards her. She looked closer and realised they were cats. Am I in Starclan?? She thought.

The cats walked forwards and stood in front of Skyheart.

"Hello, I am Whitestar." meowed the white cat in the middle of the group. "I was once leader of Smallclan and I have something important to tell you."

All the cats said in union "Sky will lead lightly. There will be a great battle and Sky will die." They then started to fade and finally disappeared into nothing. Skyheart woke in her nest inside the warriors den, panting.

"Are you ok?" asked Clearlight obviously worried about her.

"I'm fine." she sighed and walked out of the den.

It was dawn and the border patrol had just left. She trotted up to Jumpingleaf. "Are there any patrols for me to j-" She stopped speaking when suddenly, something in her stomach kicked her.

"Hm?" Jumpingleaf meowed expectantly.

"N-Nothing.." Skyheart quickly trotted away and dartes behind the warriors den so that she was alone.

She looked at her belly.

"What is wrong with you?"

Skyheart poked it with her paw and in return, the same kick came, making Skyheart yelp.

"Am I ill?" She wondered aloud.

Then, the kick came again and Skyheart noticed a slight buldge in her stomach.

"Oh no." Skyheart shook her head as silent tears threatened to spill.

"Either my prey had grown legs or I'm pregnant.."


She might as well tell him. "Can I go on a hunting patrol with Clearlight? Alone? I must speak with him urgently without anyone hearing."

Jumpingleaf hesitated but eventually said "Yes, go ahead."

"Thanks!" Skyheart meowed as she trotted into the warriors den. She padded over to the sleeping shape of Clearlight. She gently prodded him awake and they walked out into the forest together.

As they neared the Monsterclan border, they stopped and Clearlight asked, "Why are we alone? Why are we stopping?"

"I have to tell you something." Skyheart whispered. "I'm having kits soon."

"WHAT!" Clearlight yowled.

"Yes, it's true." Skyheart meowed.

Clearlight smiled softly, "I'm the father right?"

Skyheart laughed, "Of course!"

Clearlight smiled wider, "Then... I have a question to ask..." he drew closer to Skyheart and meowed softly, "Skyheart... Will you be my mate?"


"Just a little longer." Meowed Treefern.

Skyheart was kitting.

It had been three moons since she told Clearlight she was expecting and they had become mates. Clearlight was waiting outside the nursery with the rest of the clan, impatiently kneading his paws in the dusty ground.

Newleaf was on its way and the day were getting warmer. It was good that Skyheart was giving birth now because then her kits would have a better chance of survival.

Skyheart groaned in agony. She had never experienced so much pain in her life. Treefern was doing his best but it wasn't much in Skyheart's opinion. Finally, the last kit fell onto the soft moss and Treefern nipped the sac open to reveal a tiny tom with white fur and green eyes. Just like me, thought Skyheart.

Skyheart had had seven kits, which was a lot, especially for a wild cat. Clearlight came rushing in and touched noses with Skyheart. "What are we going to name them all?" he asked.

"I think that the white tom should be called Whitekit, the two grey kits will be Roundkit and Waterkit, the others will be your choice my love..." Skyheart murmured, nuzzling Clearlight.

"The black she-kit should be Darkkit , the grey she-kit Rainkit, the other two could be Bluekit a she-kit and Stormkit a Tom."

"Those are great names Clearlight!" Skyheart mewed proudly giving each kit a lick in turn. Then, a wave of heaviness overcame her and her chest heaved before she fell into a deep, deep sleep.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now