Chapter 9

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Greenstare's P.O.V:

"Relax! It's not like we're gonna get caught in fox territory!" Greenstare meowed giving her friend a shove on the shoulder. He staggered and fell to the ground meowing in fake pain. His beautiful black fur fluffed up against the moorland wind. Greenstare jumped on him and they both got into a short play-fight next to the entrance to a fox's den. It was dangerous being so close to a fox's lair but Greenstare was willing to take the chance.

They were investigating the fox's territory to try and build a camp for the new clan they were making. Hopefully, the foxes would join. If not, the Dark Forest cats would chase them out.

She swiped playfully with unsheathed claws. Her friend did the same. At the end of the mock fight, both cats had wounds on their pelts. They licked themselves clean and drifted into sleep together, pelts touching.


Greenstare woke up in the Dark forest, her REAL home. Earth was stirring next to her. His broad shoulders rippling as he stood up, waiting expectantly for Moonclaw to come out of one of the bush near them.

There was no movement. Not a sound.


Skyheart's P.O.V:

Skyheart looked up at the peaceful sky. She hoped that nothing would disturb the graceful blueness but unfortunately a grey cloud covered it.

Typical.... She thought.


Greenstare's P.O.V:

"Remember! Never give mercy! Never let your enemy get away! Kill and destroy everything in your path." Ordered Moonclaw at Earth and Greenstare as they fought in a mock battle with five other Dark forest warriors. It was two against five. Not very fair but Moonclaw had made the other team to swear not to lay a claw on them. Only Earth and Greenstare had their claws unsheathed.

Greenstare lashed out with all her paws, knocking back two warriors and then started on the third. She swiped his face, ducked out of his reach as he lunged his paws for her and used her front paws to throw her opponent into the air. He hit a tree and went limp.


Earth's P.O.V:

Earth side-stepped as Moonclaw joined the battle and lunged for him. He shoved Moonclaw away as Killerclaw slammed into him with such force he fell back and landed right on top of Moonclaw.

Blindface jumped on top of Earth and they all started clawing at each other until they broke apart, panting.

Blindface had lost both his eyes in a vicious battle with a badger. After that his clan treated him as if he were a stranger. That cooled his heart as he turned into a murderer. His clan, Monsterclan, feared him and exiled him forever. Moonclaw took him into the dark forest where he now lives.

Earth glanced at Greenstare. She was fighting skillfully and was also winning against three full grown and blood thirsty dark forest warriors.

"STOP!" yowled a strange cat with amber eyes and a dark tabby pelt. "Enough of this ridiculous battling!"

Moonclaw limped over to him. "I'm very sorry Tigerstar, I didn't see you whilst I was fighting Earth." He flicked his tail towards Earth. Tigerstar grinned.

"Earth. Step forward!" Earth gulped. What is Tigerstar doing?!

"Do you promise to uphold the Dark code, to create havoc and to kill all in your path for the rest of your life?" Tigerstar meowed menacingly.

"I-I do!" Earth mewed, realising what was happening.

"Then, I now name you, Ghostkiller!"

Ghostkiller... What a wonderful name. Thought Ghostkiller evilly.

"Greenstare! Come forward!"

Greenstare stepped in front of Tigerstar.

"Attack me!" Gasps of shock swept through the cats of the place of no stars. "NOW!"

Greenstare bunched up her muscles and lunged for Tigerstar.


CLIFF HANGER! Can anyone guess what happens next?

Anyone wanna have their OC in the book??


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