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"Why do you hate me?"

Why? What did you do wrong to make him hate you?
Why does he have to hurt your feelings? What did you do to deserve this?

"Stop saying nonsense." 

He said before turning around and leaving you alone.

You blankly stared at him before he disappeared from your view.

He wasn't always like this. You and him always got along just fine! So why has he changed all of a sudden? He always looks at you in disgust and hatred. He can't even stand being in the same room or just be near you at all anymore. Yeah at first it made you sad but now you're used to it.

The others are also confused and worried for you. They always ask if you both got into a fight or something happened to make him act like this. You don't even know yourself so you just stay quiet when they ask.

Even his sister Emma, is also worried. She also doesn't know why he is ignoring you. When she brings up your name in a conversation he frowns and his smile goes away. You're still confused why he still has you in the gang if he doesn't even like you anymore. You've changed after all the insults and hurtful words he said to you. You slowly started losing the respect and trust you had for him.


Manjiro sano

All that respect, trust and loyalty you had for your best friend all went away in a snap of a finger.

You stop going to hang outs that involve him being there though you still have to attend meetings.

You hang out with the others too. Most of your weekends are spent with either one of them. For a moment they make you forget about him and all your worries. But of course it never lasts.

They notice something going on with you. 

Your eyes. 

They slowly started looking lifeless. Dull and numb is how you look now.

And it worries them


You turned around at the sound of your name being called. You saw that it was Emma along with Takemichi, Draken and Hinata.

You smiled seeing how she excitedly ran to you and pulled you into a hug.

"Oh? Did something happen?" You ask curiously.

"No but I was wondering if you're free today?" You started thinking if there was anything important that you had to do for today. Seeing that there was nothing you shook your head.

"Great! Come with us!" She quickly dragged you with her while the others followed. You were confused on why they were still up. So you decided to ask.

"Why are you guys up anyway?" 

"I should ask the same thing." Draken said. 

"Yeah also why were you walking alone? You know it's dangerous!" Hina worriedly said.

"Oh couldn't sleep so I decided on having a midnight walk." 

For the rest of the walk it was silent. Not an awkward silence but a more peaceful one. Finally arriving you noticed that it was a park that they took you to.

"Park? Why her-" 
Before you could finish your sentence one of them put a blindfold on you. 

"Hey! What are you guy's doing-"

You could hear the two girls giggle before two big hands held on to your shoulder. Assuming that it was draken you can feel that he was leading you somewhere.

You were confused to say the least,  but then you stopped walking. You felt someone take the blindfold off and while opening your eyes you saw that everyone was here.

"Huh? What is this." You then started looking around and you saw a cake, balloons and a few presents.


They all cheered. You stood there dumbfounded before quickly taking out your phone to check the date.

My birthday!

It said on the calendar. You groaned and facepalm yourself.

"Don't tell me you forgot it was your birthday y/n!" Baji said before bursting into a fit of laughter. You send him a glare before looking around. Everyone was here- except him.

You chuckle before Hina goes up to you and takes your hand. 

"Come sit down!"

She pulled you to the bench and made you sit down and Emma brung the cake to you.

"Let's sing happy birthday to her!" 

Chifuyu said before everyone agreed and started singing. We're some of them being extra and doing some high notes? Yeah but you still loved it.

"Make a wish!" One of them yelled.

You closed your eyes before blowing the candle.

"Let's eat some cake!" 

The whole night was filled with laughter and jokes. 

This was definitely a memorable birthday that you will forever cherish until death.

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